
Citizen Security
Climate Security
Digital Security
Civic Space
International Cooperation
Civic Space is Our Space - An Agenda for the Protection of Democracy
In one of the most challenging moments of Brazilian democracy since 1988, the agenda presents itself...
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A typology for understanding the strategies and tactics used to attack civic space
The update is the result of the experience accumulated during the production of the GPS editions for...
Workers: New social contract proposal
The publication “Workers: new social contract proposal”  calls for a new social contract,...
Assessing global vaccination measures to address covid-19
The publication “Rethiking Multilateralism – Assessing Global Vaccination Measures to Address...
Accelerating inclusive global cooperation
The world is facing multiple connected, cascading and compounding mega-threats. These challenges range...
The Roots of Environmental Crime in the Colombian Amazon
The publication is the first in a series of studies that highlight how environmental crimes harm ecosystems...
Climate change and crime in cities
Climate change is already disrupting citiesaround the world. Continued greenhouse gas emissions and warming...
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Converting Digital Risk into Resilience in the COVID-19 Era
Robert Muggah’s contribution focuses on resilience, the now essential concept in helping organisations...
Civic Space GPS Bulletin 2
O espaço cívico — esfera entre os negócios, o Estado e a família onde cidadãos e cidadãs se organizam,...
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Gun Trafficking and Violence
Katherine Aguirre, Igarape’s researcher, contributed to the book with a chapter on the flow of illegal...
Cybersecurity in Brazil: an analysis of the national strategy
O Instituto lançou o seu Artigo Estratégico 54, Cibersegurança no Brasil: uma análise da estratégia nacional
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Illegal Gold That Undermines Forests and Lives in the Amazon: An Overview of Irregular Mining and its Impacts on Indigenous Populations
The Brazilian Amazon is rife with illegal gold mining operations, with 321 identified points of illegal,...
Civic Space GPS
Ações deliberadas para fechar o espaço cívico são cada vez mais comuns no Brasil
instituto igarapé
Governance and COVID-19: a Background Paper for the 2021 SDG16 Conference
Robert Muggah contributed to this report that aims to campaign to halve violence by 2030 with cities...
The Global Risks Report 2021 16th Edition
Robert Muggah contributed to the annual Global Risks Report.
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Climate change and security in West Africa
The Igarape Institute has prepared a series of products on the relationship between climate security...
Assessing the relationships between climate change and security in West Africa
Read the latest Igarape Institute article, in which Robert Muggah and Peter Schmidt analyze these complex...
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Does Community Policing Build Trust in Police and Reduce Crime? Evidence from Six Coordinated Field Experiments in the Global South
Is it possible for societies to reduce crime without creating or exacerbating adversarial relationships...
Routledge Companion to Global Cyber-Security Strategy
Louise Marie Hurel contributed with a chapter on cyber-security governance in Brazil.
Arming the Americas
Robert Muggah and Katherine Aguirre contributed with a chapter for The Oxford Handbook of the Sociology...
Technology Solutions for Supply Chain Traceability in the Brazilian Amazon: Opportunities for the Financial Sector
The Amazon is reaching a point that may be irreversible, in which its biome, and with it the global climate,...
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Igarape Institute releases new study on environmental crime in the Amazon Basin
A new paper from the Igarape Institute - Environmental Crime in the Amazon Basin: a Typology for Research,...
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Forecasting the Dividends of Conflict Prevention from 2020-2030
This study considers the trajectories of armed conflict in a 'business-as-usual' scenario between 2020-2030.
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Future Trends in Homicide - Extrapolations from 2019 to 2030
Most countries have actually experienced sustained declines in homicidal violence across several decades....
Routledge Handbook of Peace, Security and Development
This Handbook offers a comprehensive examination of the peace, security, and development nexus from a...
Strategic Notes on Third Generation Gangs
Strategic Notes on Third Generation Gangs builds upon the third generation street gang (3Gen Gang) theory...
Designing Digital Safety into the Smart City
This article explores two basic questions: (1) What are the cyberthreats facing cities and their residents;...
Observatório de Migrações Forçadas
Homicide as a function of city block layout: Mexico City as case study
Focused on Mexico City, this article offers a seminal examination of the relationship between block layout...
Observatório de Migrações Forçadas
Globale Trends Analysen
Adriana Erthal Abdenur, coordinator for International Peace and Security at Igarapé, has published the...
Citizen Security
Security Sector Reform and Citizen Security
While widely considered a core pillar of the peace and security architecture, Security Sector Reform...
Observatório de Migrações Forçadas
Climate and Security in latin America and the Caribbean
The articles in this volume explore how climate contributes to insecurity in the LAC region. They resulted...
Observatório de Migrações Forçadas
Status and the Rise of Brazil
Researcher Eduarda Hamann contributed with a chapter entitled "Brazil’s Evolving 'Balancing Act' on the...
Observatório de Migrações Forçadas
Navigating the Ripple Effects: Brazil-China Relations in Light of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)
This paper draws on official documents and statistics to analyze how the BRI affects Brazil´s relations...
Observatório de Migrações Forçadas
No War, No Peace: Healing the World’s Violent Societies
As Rachel Kleinfeld and Robert Muggah note, levels of state-to-state conflict in the world are now at...
Observatório de Migrações Forçadas
Crime prediction for more agile policing in cities – Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
The development of the Case study: Crime prediction for more agile policing in cities has been researched...
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Financing the UN: Development System Time for Hard Choices
Igarapé's Peace and Security Coordinator, Adriana Abdenur, contributed with the section "The Crisis of...
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Global study on homicide: Understanding homicide
Robert Muggah and Renata Giannini contributed with a section for this report.
Los Delitos Ambientales en la Cuenca del Amazonas: el rol del crimen organizado en la minería
Coordinator of Igarapé's international security division, Adriana Erthal Abdenur and researchers Lycia...
Tupi or not Tupi: Cannibalism and the Study of International Relations
The book  Researching South-South Development Cooperation: The Politics of Knowledge Production, edited...
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Contemporary Africa and the Foreseeable World Order
Contemporary Africa and the Foreseeable World Order sheds light on the place of "Africa Agency" in the...
Assessing the effectiveness of the United Nations Mission in the DRC / MONUC – MONUSCO
By adopting the EPON’s methodology framework, the report has evaluated the effectiveness of the UN peacekeeping...
Observatório de Migrações Forçadas (1)
Prison populism in Latin America
The objective of this study is to offer a data-driven review of the growth, trends, and the principle...
Observatório de Migrações Forçadas
Unfulfilled Promises Latin America Today
This volume is the culmination of a special Inter-American Dialogue project. Unlike other Dialogue publications,...
Reviewing the Costs and Benefits of Mano Dura Versus Crime Prevention in the Americas
There are signs of growing resistance to repressive approaches to crime prevention—so-called mano dura—in...
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Le Manuel de Prévention des Conflits
Après un demi-siècle de déclin, la fréquence et la sévérité des conflits armés ont commencé à augmenter...
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Robert Muggah on city mayors and how they define our collective fates
A Strategy for Cybersecurity Governance in Brazil
This study explores the institutionalization of the cybersecurity agenda in Brazil and seeks to identify...
Crime and Violence: Obstacles to Development in Latin America and Caribbean cities
Crime and violence are a common threat to Latin America and the Caribbean, but their manifestations vary...
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