Climate change and security in West Africa
The Igarape Institute has prepared a series of products on the relationship between climate security and violence in West Africa.
The Igarape Institute has prepared a series of products on the relationship between climate security and violence in West Africa.
Instituto Igarapé preparou o boletim “Avaliando as relações entre as mudanças climáticas e a segurança na África Ocidental”
EarthTime, the innovative data visualization technology developed by Carnegie Mellon University’s CREATE Lab, takes center stage in a new book addressing some of the greatest challenges facing mankind.
The 2019 Pritzker Forum on Global Cities takes place in Chicago June 5 through 7.
Robert Muggah, diretor de pesquisa do Igarapé, falou à BBC sobre mudanças climáticas e sua influência na violência.
Apresentação do diretor de pesquisa do Instituto Igarapé, Robert Muggah, no World Governance Forum.
New research published by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has established a relationship between a changing climate and conflict, leading to increased migration.
RobertMuggah is a specialist in security and development. He co-founded the Igarapé Institute where he oversees research and technology development.
The global migrant crisis is transcending borders, defining itself as one of the most important issues of our time. It’s fueling a growing political debate and a political divide on how to confront it.
A new website that lets people delve into data on the world’s cities has been launched.
Dr Robert Muggah from the think-tank Instituto Igarapé showed the BBC some of his favourite maps from EarthTime.
A new website that lets people delve into data on the world’s cities has been launched.
Dr Robert Muggah from the think-tank Instituto Igarapé showed the BBC some of his favourite maps from EarthTime.
Watch Igarapé Institute research director Robert Muggah keynote presentation in Smart City Expo World Congress 2017.
Expert Robert Muggah describes the most dangerous threats faced by modern cities around the world. From climate change to globalization and urbanization cities must adapt to the new challenges of the 21st century.
10 November, 2017 City specialist and co-founder of the Igarapé Institute, Robert Muggah, sets out six ways for urban centers to address the global migration crisis, terrorism, and climate change. His TED talk “How Cities Can Become More Resilient” was released yesterday, 9 November, and is available here. Watch
November, 2017 Robert Muggah speaks at TED Global NYC. The urban specialist and co-founder of the Igarapé Institute sets out six ways for urban centers to address the global migration crisis, terrorism, and climate change. The TED talk features data from the Earth TimeLapse visualization
06 Jun 2017 Robert MuggahResearch Director, Igarapé Institute The world is facing unprecedented levels of population displacement. At least 65 million people are on the move, including 21.3 million refugees and 31 million internally displaced persons since the beginning of 2016. That means that one
Earth TimeLapse, an interactive platform created by global security expert Robert Muggah and Carnegie Mellon University researchers, shows those risks in a new light.
Business Insider May, 2017 In the US, your risk of death due to terrorism is roughly 1 in 46,000. Around the world, that rate can vary wildly. In an attempt to visualize those global risks, Carnegie Mellon researchers teamed up with Robert Muggah, a global security expert
WEForum May, 2017 President Trump’s administration has made repeated claims that its proposed immigration bans are meant to stop the flow of refugees across US borders. But what does that flow actually look like compared to the rest of the world? Global security expert and
Business Insider May. 2017 President Trump’s administration has made repeated claims that its proposed immigration bans are meant to stop the flow of refugees across US borders. But what does that flow actually look like compared to the rest of the world? Global security expert
Rob Muggah talks about urban fragility and presents our new data visualization tool, Fragile Cities
World Economic Forum – Cities will not survive if they rely on preventive strategies alone. They must also invest in adaptation and mitigation
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