
Citizen Security
Climate Security
Digital Security
Civic Space
International Cooperation
Tupi or not Tupi: Cannibalism and the Study of International Relations
The book  Researching South-South Development Cooperation: The Politics of Knowledge Production, edited...
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Contemporary Africa and the Foreseeable World Order
Contemporary Africa and the Foreseeable World Order sheds light on the place of "Africa Agency" in the...
Assessing the effectiveness of the United Nations Mission in the DRC / MONUC – MONUSCO
By adopting the EPON’s methodology framework, the report has evaluated the effectiveness of the UN peacekeeping...
Observatório de Migrações Forçadas (1)
Prison populism in Latin America
The objective of this study is to offer a data-driven review of the growth, trends, and the principle...
Observatório de Migrações Forçadas
Unfulfilled Promises Latin America Today
This volume is the culmination of a special Inter-American Dialogue project. Unlike other Dialogue publications,...
Reviewing the Costs and Benefits of Mano Dura Versus Crime Prevention in the Americas
There are signs of growing resistance to repressive approaches to crime prevention—so-called mano dura—in...
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Le Manuel de Prévention des Conflits
Après un demi-siècle de déclin, la fréquence et la sévérité des conflits armés ont commencé à augmenter...
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Robert Muggah on city mayors and how they define our collective fates
A Strategy for Cybersecurity Governance in Brazil
This study explores the institutionalization of the cybersecurity agenda in Brazil and seeks to identify...
Crime and Violence: Obstacles to Development in Latin America and Caribbean cities
Crime and violence are a common threat to Latin America and the Caribbean, but their manifestations vary...
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Agile Cities: Preparing for the Fourth Industrial Revolution
By merging the biological, physical and digital worlds, the Fourth Industrial Revolution is transforming...
Narco State
Book: The Rise of the Narcostate
This book is our sixth Small Wars Journal--El Centro anthology, covering writings published between 2016...
The Handbook of Conflict Prevention
Executive Summary   Conflict prevention has a long history within the context of the international peace...
ATT Monitor Report 2018
ATT Monitor is a project of Control Arms. The project was launched in January 2015 with the support of...
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Smart cities: Digital solutions for a more livable future
As cities get smarter, they are becoming more livable and more responsive—and today we are seeing only...
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States of Fragility 2018
Three years into the 2030 Agenda it is already apparent that those living in fragile contexts are the...
La "Mano Dura"
Los enfoques que prometen ser “duros contra el delito” son atractivos para la opinión pública. Líderes...
Enhancing Peacekeeping Training Through Cooperation
There is growing recognition at the UN and among member states that peacekeeping must be made more effective,...
citizen security in Latin America Factas and Figures
Citizen Security in Latin America: Facts and Figures
Many Latin American countries, states and cities are facing a chronic public security crisis.
Mano Dura: The costs and benefits of repressive criminal justice for young people in Latin America
Mano Dura: The costs and benefits of repressive criminal justice for young people in Latin America
The focus of this report is on the intended and unintended consequences of mano dura in Latin America,...
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Youth, Peace and Security: Brazil Revisited
Brazil is not facing so much a conventional “armed conflict” as a systemic crisis of public security....
Policy Brief Gender and Mediation in Guinea-Bissau
Gender and Mediation in Guinea-Bissau
On July 10, 2017, the President of Guinea Bissau, José Mário Vaz, met politician Domingos Simões Pereira,...
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Brazil's Participation in MINUSTAH (2004-2017)
Brazil’s contribution to United Nations (UN) missions started exactly 70 years ago, when Brazilian...
Implementing the “Women, Peace and Security” agenda in Brazil
This article presents an analysis of the content of the National Plan of Action (NAP) on women, peace...
Aligning Agendas: Drugs, Sustainable Development, and the Drive for Policy Coherence
February, 2018 Current drug policy too often has a negative impact on communities and runs counter to...
Homicides of children and adolescents in Brazil
The publication analyzes the increase in the child and youth homicides between 1980 and 2014 in Braz...
Central African Republic: historical roots and immediate causes of conflict
This policy brief from the Igarapé Institute presents the historical roots and immediate causes of the...
Global Flow - migration and security
This discussion paper takes a look at some of the key challenges facing global policymakers as they seek...
Will Cuba Update its Drug Policy for the Twenty First Century?
This publication analyzes Cuba's drug policy in the Twenty First Century: its challenges for an update...
Data Driven Cities: 20 Stories of Innovation
Data-Driven Cities: 20 Stories of Innovation seeks to highlight how cities have achieved the use of data...
A State of insecurity: the case of Rio de Janeiro
This article considers the state of insecurity in Rio de Janeiro, highlighting official trends in crime...
Safe Cities Index 2017
The Safe Cities Index 2017 is a report from The Economist Intelligence Unit sponsored by NEC.
Know Violence in Childhood: A Global Learning Initiative
This Report is an output of Know Violence in Childhood – an independent global learning initiative. The...
Helicóptero da PM_nexo
Las agencias multilaterales y el enfoque de "seguridad ciudadana" en América Latina
Multilateral development agencies have played a highly important role in the prevention and reduction...
Spotlight Synthesis Report - The 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda in Brazil
The present publication is a Synthesis of the Spotlight Report of the Civil Society Working Group for...
On the brink of danger
Strategic Note about a relatively new phenomenon in international relations: since the nineties, there...
Haitian Women’s Experiences of Recovery from Hurricane Matthew
June, 2017 On 4 October 2016 Haiti was struck by a category five hurricane, the strongest such storm...
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The humanitarian consequences of violence in Central America
Pesquisadores e especialistas  falam do tema sob os mais variados espectros da questão humanitária, do...
The Rise of Citizen Security in Latin America and the Caribbean
Latin American and Caribbean societies are among the most violent on earth. The problem appears to be...
Brazil, the Internet and the Digital Bill of Rights
April, 2017 Through interviews and research on primary and secondary data, the Strategic Article outlines...
The Future of United Nations Peacekeeping Operations from a Brazilian Perspective
March, 2017 This report resumes the event which examined the extent to which the country has incorporated...
Achieving Gender Equality
Esta Nota Estratégica tem como objetivo destacar boas práticas na implementação de diferentes planos...
A “Brazilian way”? Brazil’s approach to peacebuilding
Drawing on interviews with Brazilian diplomats and official documents, this paper examines the context,...
Remodelling global cooperation
Robert Muggah and other independent thinkers talk about global governance
Harnessing Public-Private: Cooperation to Deliver the New Urban Agenda
Our research director, Rob Muggah, contributed to this publication of the World Economic Forum on the...
Global Peace Operations Review: Annual Compilation 2016
Adriana Erthal Abdenur and Rob Muggah contributed to the annual compilation of global peace operations...
A new urban paradigm: pathways to sustainable development
In collaboration with UNDP, the Igarapé Institute has launched a new publication on cities and devel...
Brazil and francophone Africa
This paper aims at examining how francophone Africa presently perceives Brazil’s ambitions in light of...
Controlando el territorio y construyendo seguridad
[Em Espanhol] Esta publicación contiene textos sobre el proceso de paz en Colombia - y un prólogo escrito...
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