
Citizen Security
Climate Security
Digital Security
Civic Space
International Cooperation
Brasil bandeira
IPEA - Civil Involvement in Pos-Conflict Contexts: Opportunity for Brazil International Insertion
[In Portuguese] Article about new opportunities for Brazil internacional insertion in pos-conflict c...
International cooperation
Negotiating Disarmament and Demobilisation in Peace Processes: What is the State of the Evidence?
This report considers the extent to which disarmament, demobilisation and reintegration (DDR) and related...
HSF, ISS, KAS e SAIIA – Brazil and R2P: a Rising Global Player Struggles to Harmonise Discourse and Practice
This article debates Brazil's role in peacebuilding, reflecting on it's new position as a ascendant...
Brasil Haiti
NOREF – The Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflicts and Brazil's "Responsibility While Protecting"
Article on Brazil's position on the protection of civilians (PoC), “Responsibility to Protect” (R2P)...
CEBRI - Responsibility to Protect and While Protecting: a Brief Historic and Some Clarification
[In Portuguese] The "Responsability to Protect" was officially inserted in UN on 2005. One of it's main...
Researching the Urban Dilemma: Urbanization, Poverty and Violence
A research on urbanization challenges, focused on the connections between urban violence, inequalities...
Reflections on the Brazilian Effect: A seminar on Brazil’s potential to deploy civilian experts to fragile settings
The Igarapé Institute coordinated the first ever seminar on Brazilian civilian capacities for peace support...
International Development Policy Series – Brazil’s Generous Diplomacy: Friendly Dragon or Paper Tiger?
[In English and French] This chapter demonstrates how Brazil has increasingly aligned its foreign policy...
Enduring Freedom
Urban Violence and Humanitarian Action
Article that debates the violence and fragility of cities of developing countries.
Invasão do Alemão
OpenDemocracy – Stay Alive: Turning Around a Failing War
This Article debates new ways to face the violence problem cause by the drug traffic in Central America...
Violencia armada
OECD Conflict and Fragility – Investing in Security: A Global Assessment of Armed Violence Reduction Initiatives
This report aims to generate more understanding of what works and what does not when it comes to armed...
Expanding the Civilian Role in Peace Operations: assessing progress and addressing gaps
Report on the seminar ‘Expanding the Civilian Role in Peace Operations: Assessing Progress and Addressing...
The Brazilian Effect: Social Technologies for Reconstructing Haiti
This short report features an array of tried and tested innovations from Brazil that could have applicability...
The Southern Effect: Critical Reflections on Brazils Engagement with Fragile States
This concept note parses out emerging "southern-effect" and some of its wider implications for engagement...
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