In the Media

Citizen Security
Climate Security
Digital Security
Civic Space
International Cooperation
De mal a pior
O Globo - “Reduzir significativamente todas as formas de violência e as taxas de mortalidade relacionadas”...
How to protect fast-growing cities from failing
Security researcher Robert Muggah turns our attention toward "fragile cities". He shows us the four big...
SA and Brazil to try smart policing
Cape Town and Rio de Janeiro have joined hands in trying out a new policing system. The famous cities...
Cuánto ganan los traficantes de arma en méxico ?
México se ha convertido en el paraíso del tráfico de armas para los grupos criminales, según denuncian...
Rio de Janeiro Residents on Edge as Stray-Bullet Killings Increase
Normally, Rio is numb to violence. Each year, the number of homicides in the city of 12 million people...
As reais intenções do Brasil na África
O que está por trás da relação entre o Brasil e a África? O Itamaraty defende tratar-se de um projeto...
logo IPI
Why Police Body Cameras Are Taking Off, Even After Eric Garner’s Death
In the wake of recent cases of police violence in the United States, a national conversation has started...
Smart Policing in Brazil
Vishva Samani reports on how smart policing in Brazil keeps a check on the police
e-international relations
The Fragile City Arrives
The world has entered its urban age. More than half of the globe’s population currently resides in cities...
Black Block Rising: Social Networks in Brazil
A report about the black blocs rise in Brazil, focused specifically on their use of social networks.
The Most Dangerous City in the World Is Not Where You Think It Is
The Atlantic - There's a war brewing in Central America
open democracy
The future of humanitarian action to be decided in Medellin
Open Democracy - It will be decided in these new types of situations that are neither war nor peace,...
The Southern Effect: Critical Reflections on Brazils Engagement with Fragile States
This concept note parses out emerging "southern-effect" and some of its wider implications for engagement...
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