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Emile Badran

Emile Badran is an industrial designer and experienced operational specialist. He has worked in the private and not-for-profit sector for 12 years, in both Latin America and Africa. At the Igarapé Institute, Mr. Badran oversees the organization´s work on civic tech and smart cities. He

Ligia Deschamps

Graduated in administration and marketing at the Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing of Rio de Janeiro, Lígia Deschamps is the co-founder of the NGO Riso (Rescue the Social Infant), which promotes child empowerment in areas of risk in Rio de Janeiro. She has experience

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Facilidade para lobos solitários

O Globo – Num ponto a al-Qaeda está certa: Brasil está repleto de armas. É o segundo maior fabricante de armamentos e munições de pequeno porte do Ocidente

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A segurança pública no futuro

O Globo – Sem informações precisas sobre as ocorrências criminais, é praticamente impossível planejar de maneira eficaz a distribuição do efetivo

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Política de drogas sem ideologia

O Globo – Médicos, policiais, advogados, juízes, cientistas sociais, secretários de Segurança Pública e até ex-ministros e ex-presidentes já se colocaram a favor


Armas usadas en crímenes llegan legales de EU

El Siglo Durango – Un alto porcentaje de las armas que alimentan al crimen organizado en México llegan legales. Y en su mayoría vienen desde Estados Unidos


The logistics of ending Colombia’s war with the FARC

After nearly three years of peace negotiations, the Colombian government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) announced a final peace accord would be signed before March 23, 2016


Digital Tough Guys

Foreign Affairs – Over the last five months, El Salvador has suffered unprecedented levels of homicidal violence

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O Brasil e as Operações de Paz da ONU

Carta Capital (original in portuguese) – Part of Brazil’s diplomatic strength is in the upward trend of participation in international missions

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