In the Media

Citizen Security
Climate Security
Digital Security
Civic Space
International Cooperation
Brazilian South-South Cooperation in Guinea-Bissau
Social Technologies for Peacebuilding?     Adriana Erthal Abdenur, in Bissau   South-South...
World Economic Forum
Time for Cities to Step Up to the Challenge of Climate Change
The world’s cities generate more than 75% of global carbon emissions – it’s time for them to play a more...
Cities overwhelmed by unplanned migration, need support – urban experts
Thomson Reuters Foundation November, 2017 BARCELONA – Many cities are being overwhelmed by growing...
South-South Cooperation in Guinea-Bissau
What Role in Peacebuilding?   Adriana Erthal Abdenur, in Bissau     Far from a novelty,...
Ad hoc security initiatives a potential force multiplier for the AU
Regional efforts like those against the LRA and Boko Haram could reinvent continental approaches to conflicts   Gustavo...
World Economic Forum
5 issues that will shape the future, according to the experts
Here are some of the key talking points and a small selection of the ideas proposed by Seven hundred...
the Role of Climate Change in Recurring Violence   Giovanna Kuele and Ana Cristina Miola The deadliest...
Seeing beyond Somali tragedy could help changing conflict prevention
Local and international actors should reinforce their support to preventing conflict and sustaining peace...
First, Do No Harm
The Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA) Debate, Viewed from Brazil
Is Populism Making a Comeback in Latin America?
Having rejected its demogogues just a few years ago, the region is now poised to welcome them back
Safe Cities Index 2017
The Safe Cities Index 2017 is a report from The Economist Intelligence Unit sponsored by NEC.
the world radio logo
Gun violence hits all citizens with a heavy financial toll
Whether caused by a lone wolf or an intimate partner, gun violence is expensive
global iniciative
Lessons from organised crime task forces: Brazil and beyond
Delivering an effective law enforcement and criminal justice response to organized crime is challenging...
Na Midia site (87)
Turning point for the AU-UN peacekeeping partnership?
Progress has been made, but financing remains one among several key issues that must be resolved
Another Jersey City First: Cell Phones for Police Body Cameras
The CopCast app, which was created by the Igarapé Institute in Brazil along with Google’s Jigsaw incubator,...
the economist
Rio’s post-Olympic blues
Feuding gangs and empty coffers are pushing up the murder rate
Na Midia site (33)
La violencia luego del acuerdo de paz
La información y el análisis son la única manera de evidenciar los verdaderos cambios en violencia.
Americas-Quarterly 300x300
China's Strategic Play in Brazil
A jump in Chinese investment could have a big impact on Latin America's largest economy.
TED 9 copiar
Future visions: The talks of TEDGlobalNYC
Robert Muggah is back on TED. In this TED Global NYC, Muggah articulates an ancient but resurging idea:...
Implementing the New Commitments to Peace
No Dia Internacional da Paz, organizações ligadas à consolidação da paz emitem declaração conjunta.
latn america advisor
Will Brazil’s Privatization Drive Pay Off?
The Brazilian government is pushing to privatize state assets in a bid to raise revenues and boost investment....
logo the conversation
Caught between police and gangs, Rio de Janeiro residents are dying in the line of fire
In Rio de Janeiro, where murder rates this year have soared to their highest levels in a decade, violence...
LA Times
What it will take to stem the violence in Latin America
The sense of unease on many Latin American city streets is palpable. Fear and uncertainty affect people’s...
la vanguardia
La violencia vuelve a las favelas
La vuelta de la violencia en Río coincide con un recorte del 30% del presupuesto de seguridad en un Estado...
Spain attacks: Is Europe still a safe travel destination?
Even with the surge in attacks over the past three years, the number of deaths are much lower than then.
bloomberg logo
Dining With Madonna No More, Rio Grapples With Rising Crime
In Rio de Janeiro’s bohemian neighborhood of Santa Teresa, the rain-forest chic Aprazivel restaurant...
Council on foreign relations
Brazil’s Internet Is Under Attack, Again
The Brazilian government has launched a consultation on the future of, the body that sets internet...
Americas-Quarterly 300x300
How Violence Is Changing in Post-FARC Colombia
The end of war hasn't released Colombia from the grip of violence. Homicide rates have fallen in the...
How to Avoid a Venezuelan Civil War
Latin American Solutions for a Latin American Problem, an article to Foreign Affairs.
open democracy
The new sustainable development goals advocate for peace and justice. Is Brazil listening?
While Brazil made some important strides in sustainable development over the past two decades, it also...
Americas-Quarterly 300x300
Violence in Rio: "We Have to Look for a Collective Solution"
Ilona Szabó talks to Americas Quartely about violence in Rio de Janeiro.
insight crime
What LatAm Cities Can Learn From the Failures of Brazil's UPP Policing Model
Published originally on Insight Crime: Community policing has become the go-to security strategy in the...
Rio violence exposes Brazil’s missed chance
Financial Times article talks about violence in Rio de Janeiro
rob cngt
10,000 soldiers deployed to Rio in gang violence crackdown
Uma breve análise sobre o projeto de segurança do Rio de Janeiro
the world radio logo
Venezuela is on the brink of civil war. Here's how its neighbors could stop it.
Adriana Erthal Abdenur and Robert Muggah falam sobre a crise da Venezuela
insight crime
InSight Crime August, 2017 In March 2017, two Rio de Janeiro police officers were recorded on video executing...
Un hombre, tres desalojos: cómo los pobres están siendo desplazados en Brasil
1.6 millones de brasileros fueron obligados a dejar sus hogares entre 2009 y 2016, de acuerdo a estimaciones...
Acapulco, entre los 20 municipios con más asesinatos, robos y extorsiones
HuffPost July, 2017 Los homicidios no son el único problema que enfrenta el puerto guerrerense, uno de...
Na Midia site (37)
La escalada de violencia y muertes pone en alerta a Río
La Nación Julho, 2017 O Rio de Janeiro continua lindo… Pero cada vez más peligroso. Cuando faltan...
Overreaction to the terrorist threat is the perpetrators’ prize
Financial Times July, 2017 In the EU, the chances of being killed by a terrorist in 2016 were just five...
open democracy
Rio de Janeiro´s violence: a tale of two cities
OpenDemocracy July, 2017 Rio de Janeiro is not one, but many cities. There´s the one that most people...
open democracy
It´s time for cities to lead
OpenDemocracy July, 2017 If the test of successful political leadership could be distilled to a single...
open democracy
Here’s What Violence Along the U.S.-Mexico Border Really Looks Like
OpenDemocracy July, 2017 This article is published as part of the campaign Instinto de Vida. Part of...
Overreaction to the terrorist threat is the perpetrators’ prize
Financial Times June, 2017 In the EU, the chances of being killed by a terrorist in 2016 were just five...
the guardian
Organised violence is ravaging Central America and displacing thousands
The Guardian June, 2017 A silent emergency is spreading across Central America and Mexico. Unprecedented...
Tempering the human cost of building Brazil's dams
Devex June, 2017 Brazil is the site of not one, but multiple forced migration crises. Since 2016, thousands...
logo the conversation
How to fix Latin America’s homicide problem
The Conversation, Robert Muggah, 28/06/2017 In the 1990s, the capital of Colombia’s mountainous Antioquia...
USA today
Who needs body cameras? Police testing cellphone cameras
USA Today June, 2017 The new system works like this: Officers download the CopCast app on a smartphone,...
Tackling global problems? Look to cities, not countries
The Globe and Mail – ROBERT MUGGAH Published Jun. 17, 2017 The world is buckling under multiple...
the guardian
Brazil's refugee policy needs a radical overhaul in response to Venezuela's crisis
The Guardian – Maria Beatriz Nogueira and Maiara Folly Brazil is failing to respond to one of the...
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