In the Media

Citizen Security
Climate Security
Digital Security
Civic Space
International Cooperation
Police in crime-ridden Rio try a cheaper body cam: their phones
CBC - New app allows live streaming to help track murderous criminals — and killer cops
Precisamos falar sobre drogas
Valor Econômico - Em 1998, o slogan da Sessão Especial da Assembleia Geral das Nações Unidas (Ungass,...
World Economic Forum
Terrorism is on the rise – but there’s a bigger threat we’re not talking about
World Economic Forum - High-profile attacks on major cities in Belgium, France and the United States...
the economist
Revisiting the world’s most violent cities
The Economist - The thorny task of comparing crime rates across the world is tricky because legal interpretations...
Open Canada logo
How cities you've never heard of will shape the future
Open Canada - The world is urbanizing at breakneck speed. But not all regions are moving at the same...
LA Times
Three leaders from Latin America call for decriminalizing drug use
Outdated drug policies around the world have resulted in soaring drug-related violence, overstretched...
LA Times
It's official: San Salvador is the murder capital of the world
Los Angeles Times - El Salvador is the world's most violent country and its capital, San Salvador, is...
World Economic Forum
6 lessons from companies operating in war-torn communities
Virtually every government, business and civil society organization around the world has to contend with...
Open Canada logo
The UN Gets Serious About Peace
From ensuring women’s participation to shifting toward sustaining peace, here are top takeaways from...
global post
It's really hard to say which city is the world's most murderous
Global Post - The news trickling out of Caracas just keeps getting worse. A recently published ranking...
Brazil must support a comprehensive approach to peace in Syria
Brazil would do well to support a comprehensive approach to stability and reconstruction in Syria as...
Quatro mitos sobre o "cidadão de bem armado"
Carta Capital - Ao contrário do que dizem os críticos do Estatuto do Desarmamento, menos armas representam...
World Economic Forum
How fragile are our cities?
World Economic Forum - The world is urbanizing at a breakneck pace. But not all regions are moving at...
open democracy
San Salvador, not Caracas, was the world's most murderous city in 2015
Open Democracy - Probably San Salvador's murder rate exceeds the violent death rate in many of the world's...
Americas-Quarterly 300x300
The Real Reason Behind Rising Violence in Mexico City
Americas Quartely - A new study shows narco-trafficking gangs are only part of the problem
open democracy
Brazil's digital protests spell trouble on the street
Open Democracy - The question now is whether citizens will wake up only after it's too late
2015 Criminal Analysis
Igarapé Institute explains the reducing crime rates in the city and in the state of Rio de Janeiro.
humanitarian practice network
An accounting of conflict deaths is central to the new Sustainable Development Goals
Humanitarian Practice Network - A goal to foster peaceful, just and inclusive societies
World Economic Forum
Is Urban Terrorism the New Normal? Probably
World Economic Forum - More and more cities are being held hostage to the threat of terrorism
midias - logomarcas
A balcanização da internet pode começar no Brasil
El País January, 2016 Tentativas de cercear os direitos digitais dos brasileiros contrastam com a fama...
the new york times
Brazil’s Digital Backlash
Brazilians take their social media very seriously. The country has one of the fastest growing populations...
World Economic Forum
Why Our Future Depends on Cities
It is hard to know with certainty where and why cities will falter and fail in the 21st century
Development specialists must get to grips with fragile cities
Devex - It is hard to know with certainty where and why cities will falter and fail in the 21st century
the guardian
Countries must be honest about conflict deaths to know the true impact of war on development
The Guardian - Across the global development sector, a new narrative on the relationship between security...
Armas usadas en crímenes llegan legales de EU
El Siglo Durango - Un alto porcentaje de las armas que alimentan al crimen organizado en México llegan...
al jazeera
Christmas in Rio’s favelas, where pacification brings mixed tidings
Al Jazeera - As drug gangs encroach on old turf, residents hope New Year brings lasting peace – and better...
US arms, exported legally, are behind many violent crimes in Mexico
Global Post - A considerable proportion of illegally acquired firearms in Mexico were originally sold...
the guardian
A city held hostage: how the LA bomb threat exposed our urban vulnerability
The Guardian - This week, New York and LA reacted very differently to the same bomb scare. So how does...
Beware the return of stop-and-search
Independent - There are better ways to manage our cities. How about an effort to deal with poverty itself?
Na Midia site (61)
Murders, and Not Terrorism, Make India a Really Dangerous Country
The Wire - India records the second highest number of murders in the world every year
Na Midia site (62)
Brazilian Jews moving to Israel in record numbers, fleeing recession and violence
The Jerusalem Post - “In Israel, we don’t feel threatened with imminent violence. The feeling of security...
26 November’s BBC Question Time, factchecked
Last night’s Question Time panel followed the House of Commons in debating Syria and whether Britain...
global post
Weapons from foreign powers, including Brazil, fuel the Yemen conflict
Yemen is the new Syria. A civil war erupted there early this year between two factions, each claiming...
The logistics of ending Colombia’s war with the FARC
After nearly three years of peace negotiations, the Colombian government and the Revolutionary Armed...
Why easing marijuana laws is a good first step
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s commitment toward major drug law reform is a welcome if belated recognition...
Africa: Unsustainable Development Goals - Are 222 Indicators Too Many?
Are the Sustainable Development Goals in danger of collapsing under the weight of their own lofty ambitions?
new yorker
Faces from the Border: The Devil Is on the Loose
The New Yorker - This is the second in a three-part series, “Faces from the Border,” about Mexican-American...
Na Midia site (66)
Many in Haiti suspect fraud in recent election, poll finds
Miami Herald - A poll by an independent research group has found deep public suspicion of the first...
the new york times
Many in Haiti Suspect Fraud in Recent Election, Poll Finds
New York Times - A poll by an independent research group has found deep public suspicion of the first...
Impact of Perceived Electoral Fraud on Haitian Voter’s Beliefs about Democracy
An Igarapé Institute research team administered household surveys in 135 polling stations before and...
Foreign Affairs
Digital Tough Guys
Foreign Affairs - Over the last five months, El Salvador has suffered unprecedented levels of homicidal...
Americas-Quarterly 300x300
Latin America’s Poverty Is Down, But Violence Is Up. Why?
Americas Quarterly - Economic growth alone won't stem violent crime. But the right policies – and leadership...
logo the conversation
South Africa mulls body cameras to improve police accountability, safety
The Conversation - The argument for the use of police body cameras is gaining momentum in South Africa,...
Brazil May Lower the Legal Age for Owning a Gun
TeleSURtv - Brazil is suffering from an epidemic of gun violence, with more than 4,000 people killed...
Some key good and bad takeaways from a citizen security mapping tool for Latin America
BID - A vast array of public and private policies and programs are underway. Most of them can be categorized...
institute of development studies
Designing out crime in the world’s fragile cities
IDS - While no one knows for sure, at least 600 informal settlements litter the hills and peripheral...
World Economic Forum
The sustainable development fight will be won or lost in our cities
By 2050, roughly 6.4 billion people – almost the equivalent of the planet´s current population – will...
el economista
El Salvador cada vez más inseguro
Agosto pasó a la historia como uno de los más negros para El Salvador desde la guerra civil que concluyó...
Brazil's Cybercrime Problem
Foreign Affairs - Brazil ranks second worldwide in online bank fraud and financial malware. Yet much...
Estudo mostra que oito em cada dez armas apreendidas no Rio são revólver ou pistola
O Globo - Documento feito por três ONGs aponta ainda que a maioria é de fabricação nacional e de calibre...
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