In the Media

Citizen Security
Climate Security
Digital Security
Civic Space
International Cooperation
open democracy
War, peace and the technological revolution
Open Democracy - Technology is forcing through a new form of conversation - even in conflicts. How will...
World Economic Forum
Terrorists want to destroy our cities. We can’t let them
World Economic Forum - Cities are the new frontline of terrorism. The goal of today’s terrorist
Los expertos opinan: la guerra contra las drogas ha sido un fracaso. ¿Es hora de legalizarlas?
[Em espanhol] Hace más de 40 años, el mundo le declaró la guerra a las drogas. Hoy, las drogas son más...
cipher brief
Does Predictive Policing Work?
The Cipher Brief - What if it were possible to predict where a crime took place before it actually occurred...
Americas-Quarterly 300x300
Brazil’s Democracy Is Dominated by Old Men. This Group Wants to Change That.
Americas Quarterly - Two founders of Agora!, a new political group, explain how they want to bring a...
open democracy
With the future of liberal democracy hanging in the balance, what next?
Open Democracy - While the results of the US election should be respected, Democrats (and liberals everywhere)...
World Economic Forum
America’s dominance is over. By 2030, we'll have a handful of global powers
World Economic Forum - The world’s political landscape in 2030 will look considerably different to the...
World Economic Forum
Cities are on the front-line of climate change. They must adapt or die
Cities are the anchors of human civilization. By 2050, roughly three quarters of humanity will live in...
the new york times
Brazil’s Merchants of Death
As Brazil weathers the worst political and economic crises in living memory, Brazilians can hardly be...
O traficante e a mula: 10 anos de mulheres encarceiradas
Folha de S. Paulo - Traficante. O português é daquelas línguas que, no geral, marcam o gênero de substantivos
Prevenção pode reverter criminalidade
Valor Econômico - O crescimento acelerado nas últimas décadas tornou as cidades latinoamericanas frágeis...
Americas-Quarterly 300x300
Latin America Could Cut Its Murder Rate By 50 Percent. Here’s How.
Americas Quarterly - Governments in the region should set specific targets to get a homicide epidemic...
Homicidios en América Latina: seamos ambiciosos
El País - La tasa regional de homicidios puede pasar de 21 a 35 por cada 100.000 habitantes para 2030
open democracy
Post-conflict in Colombia (19) Uncertainty and fears after the war
Open Democracy - After the signing of the peace agreements, doubts remain about their true reach in the...
Where are the world's most fragile cities?
Thomson Reuters Foundation News - A handful of cities are booming and rewiring international affairs,...
World Economic Forum
After 15 years of war on terror, are we any safer?
World Economic Forum - The 9/11 attacks on New York City and Washington were devastating, including for...
Por cidades mais seguras
Folha de S. Paulo - No país que possui 32 das 50 cidades mais violentas do mundo, é inadmissível que...
Foreign Affairs
The End of Homicide: How to Halve Global Murders in a Decade
Foreign Affairs - The world has never been safer than it is right now. Most forms of violence have dropped...
Council on foreign relations
Brazil Must Rebalance Its Approach to Cybersecurity
Council on Foreign Relations September, 2016 When Brazil attends the Group of 20 Summit in Hangzhou next week,...
A proven way to fight Chicago’s murder epidemic — and why it’s not being used
Ideas TED - Gun violence is a singularly American problem. But there’s a proven solution, says Robert...
know violence
Making children safer in Brazil
Know Violence in Childhood - Mega events such as the Olympic Games and World Cup always leave mixed legacies
Forecasting crime in Rio de Janeiro, a new Marvel comic, and an Airbnb to rejuvenate a rural community
TED Blog - Before the 2016 Olympic Games, worries ran high that crime in Rio might affect the mega-event
Na Midia site (54)
The Games Have Been a Distraction
With the Rio Olympics wrapping in just a few days, The Cipher Brief’s Kaitlin Lavinder spoke with Director...
Americas-Quarterly 300x300
Stop Enabling Latin America's Gun Addiction
Americas Quarterly - The U.S. can change a historic pattern of irresponsible arms sales driving regional...
How cities are rewiring international affairs
Devex - If the 20th century belonged to nation states, then the 21st will be owned by cities
open democracy
With Anonymous' latest attacks in Rio, the digital games have begun
Open Democracy - The hacktivist group has significantly ramped up its cyber attacks for the Olympic Games
the world radio logo
By some measures, Rio will be the most secure Olympic Games yet
A lot of people are fretting about the safety of the Summer Olympics. Zika fears have kept some athletes...
open democracy
Where do Rio de Janeiro's crime guns come from?
Open Democracy - The vast majority of firearms in the hands of the population are of Brazilian origin
the guardian
How did Rio's police become known as the most violent in the world?
The Guardian - Once in decline, killings by police in Rio de Janeiro are on the rise as the Olympic games...
Getting clear about conflict prevention at the UN
Institute for Security Studies - The 70th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations (UN) last...
Council on foreign relations
California’s Gangs Go Digital and Global
Council on Foreign Relations - Around the world, social media is being colonized not just by extremist...
Novos líderes discutem segurança, desenvolvimento e inclusão na AL
Folha de S. Paulo - Com dez das quinze economias mais desiguais do mundo localizadas na região, inclusão,...
LA Times
Can Brazil protect the Olympic Games and its own citizens?
Los Angeles Times - Brazilian security personnel are not the only ones preoccupied with security threats
'Facebook deveria ser proativo no bloqueio de páginas', diz pesquisador canadense
Estadão - Robert Muggah, referência em pesquisas de tráfico de armas, cobra ação da empresa sobre venda...
the guardian
How to make Latin America's most violent cities safer
The Guardian - Few cities are more dangerous for civilians than San Pedro Sula in Honduras
Osmar Terra e o retrocesso na política de drogas
Carta Capital - Crítico ferrenho da descriminalização do uso de entorpecentes, ministro do Desenvolvimento...
Why cities rule the world
TED Ideas - Cities are the the 21st century’s dominant form of civilization - and they’re where humanity’s...
the hill times
Deportations are helping make Honduras one of the world’s most violent countries
The Hill Times - Migrants to Canada are routinely prosecuted for relatively minor offences and circulated...
Latin America's Fatal Gun Addiction
Foreign Affairs - The United States' Deadliest Export
Are aid agencies ready to deal with war, terrorism and crime in cities?
Thomson Reuters Foundation News - Cities are the frontline of twenty first century humanitarianism
the economist
The gangs that cost 16% of GDP
The Economist - The country’s gangs specialise in extortion. But they may be branching out
International Business Times
Rio Olympics Crime Risk: ‘If You’re A White, Wealthy Foreigner, You’re Safe’ Despite Brazil’s Murderous Reputation
International Business Times - In the midst of political volatility, a deep recession and a frightening...
the guardian
Why governments worldwide are changing tack in the war on drugs
The Guardian - The fact is that in spite of decades of pursuing a “drug free world”, drugs are more accessible...
World Economic Forum
These are Africa’s fastest-growing cities – and they’ll make or break the continent
World Economic Forum - The world is moving to the city. No part of the planet is urbanizing faster than...
WhatsApp, Used by 100 Million Brazilians, Was Shut Down Nationwide Today by a Single Judge
A brazilian state judge ordered mobile phone operators to block nationwide the extremely popular WhatsApp...
Civil liberties, online and off
The Boston Globe - Brazil's friendishly complicated political and economic crises are sending the country...
The battle for the country will be won or lost in cities: expert
SABC - Over the past weekend, the ruling party was the first to launch its much anticipated election...
associated press ap
Open letter to UN chief calls for global drug policy shift
Associated Press - An open letter to U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon signed by more than 1,000 people
Em carta, líderes mundiais pedem fim da guerra às drogas
Documento foi enviado ao secretário-geral da ONU, Ban Ki-moon
the hill times
Canada can reverse city fragility around the world
The Hill Times - What makes a city prone to instability is often surprising
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