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A new mega railway across Latin America
This idea has gained momentum as Peru, Bolivia and Brazil join forces to build a corridor that would...
Nationalists of the world, unite? Steve Bannon's populist path proves rocky.
Populism's global resurgence has alarmed many, as has former Trump advisor Steve Bannon's effort to empower...
Na Midia site (2)
A Real Immigration Crisis Is Coming to America Sooner Than You Think
While there is no need for American troops on our border now, that day is coming.
Brazil took a hard turn to the right
Brazil took a hard turn to the right. Now what?
An ultraright populist just won the presidency of Latin America’s largest country.
How cities, not states, can solve the world's biggest problems
Cities, not nation states, are the dominant form of human civilization in the 21st century.
Cities seek cash, tech to activate plans for safer, greener future
As 1.4 million people move to cities each week, local abilities to keep residents safe can become strained,...
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Brazil’s Foreign Policy Lurches Rightward
An ultra-right populist just won the presidency of Latin America’s largest country.
washington post
Bolsonaro’s politics of anger mark a return to Brazil’s past
The new leader of Latin America’s biggest democracy and economy doesn’t care about your feelings
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Brazil’s New President Set to Give Military More Clout
Ex-army captain has promised to appoint military men who served alongside him under dictatorship
The Washington Post Logo
Who is Jair Bolsonaro, the man likely to be Brazil’s next president?
Brazilians are voting Sunday in a presidential election that’s captured global attention largely because...
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As middle class falls, crime rises in Latin America
According to the Pew Research Center, the crime rate has fallen in the United States over the past 25...
Open Canada logo
With longtime leftist out of the picture, Brazil lurches right
Brash, hard-right candidate Jair Bolsonaro is cleaning up in Brazil
Washington Postt
How Jair Bolsonaro entranced Brazil’s minorities — while also insulting them
Brazil is a majority nonwhite country, a multicultural mix of ethnicities.
Colombian city helps young shun 'life choice' of gang violence
CALI, Colombia (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - As a boy growing up in a slum in Cali, one of the most...
climate diplomacy
Environmental Rights: Threats to Activists in Brazil
Environmental defenders in Brazil are at risk — last year, 57 were assassinated and the numbers are increasing.
Buzzfeed news
A Caravan Of 1,600 Honduran Immigrants Has Crossed Into Guatemala, Hoping To Reach The US
A caravan of about 1,600 hungry and tired Honduran immigrants crossed into Guatemala on Monday with the...
the guardian
Brazil is at war': election plays out amid homicidal violence
Francine Farias had just completed a census of her tumbledown favela on the outskirts of one of the world’s...
Na Midia site (4)
Why Cape Town’s murder rate is rising
“IT’S going to be crazy tonight,” sighs Craven Engel, a pastor in Hanover Park, a township on the fringes...
World Economic Forum
Smart city experts should be looking to emerging markets. Here’s why
From the crowded markets of Dakar and Karachi to the informal settlements of Addis Ababa and Rio de Janeiro,...
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Agile Cities: Preparing for the Fourth Industrial Revolution
By merging the biological, physical and digital worlds, the Fourth Industrial Revolution is transforming...
Brazil took a hard turn to the right
Brazil's Military Poised to Amass Power After Three-Decade Wait
General Antonio Hamilton Mourao would be Brazil’s vice president.
Narco State
Book: The Rise of the Narcostate
This book is our sixth Small Wars Journal--El Centro anthology, covering writings published between 2016...
Untitled design
Can Brazil’s Democracy Be Saved?
A dangerous right-wing populist who preys on division and disunity looks to be headed for the presidency
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Brazilian Democracy on the Brink
After years of corruption scandals, economic malaise, and deepening political polarization, Brazilians...
citylab logo
Cities Need to Welcome—Not Resist—Refugees
A surge in migrants has fueled populist backlashes in cities around the world. But urban areas have a...
Na Midia site (1)
'Brazil is at war': election plays out amid homicidal violence
Latin America’s largest democracy suffered a record 63,880 homicides last year and the phenomenon is...
In graphics: what is bothering the Brazilians?
In less than a week, Brazil will vote in the most uncertain presidential elections since its return to...
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Refugees from Venezuela are fleeing to Latin American cities, not refugee camps
More than 2.3 million Venezuelans – roughly 7 percent of the entire population – have fled the country’s political...
The Coming Crime Wars
Wars are on the rebound. There are twice as many civil conflicts today, for example, as there were in...
wall street journal logo
Latin America Is the Murder Capital of the World
Cristian Sabino was sitting on a plastic chair by this beach resort’s central market when a gunman walked...
the new york times
My Father, a Judge, Said a Gun Control Case Was One of His Hardest. Now I See Why.
Though I’ve been lucky to have been insulated from gun violence most of my life, it was at the core of...
the new york times
California Tries New Tack on Gun Violence: Ammunition Control
Sold from vending machines in Pennsylvania, feed depots in Nevada, pharmacies in Georgia and jewelry...
World Economic Forum
These are Asia's most future-ready cities
The planet is urbanizing at an unprecedented speed, generating enormous social, economic and climatic...
ATT Monitor Report 2018
ATT Monitor is a project of Control Arms. The project was launched in January 2015 with the support of...
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Podcast: Brazil’s Election: Why Aren’t There Better Choices?
On this edition of "Deep South" Ilona Szabo de Carvalho, Executive Director of Instituto Igarapé, discusses...
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Brazil's Lawless Amazon Embraces Hardline Presidential Candidate
n one of the most lawless corners of Brazil, the former paratrooper and leading presidential candidate...
Mali is slipping back into chaos
Mali experienced a rare glimmer of stability this month. Although voter turnout was dampened by security...
Na Midia site (7)
Canada just became the second nation to legalize marijuana. Here are all the top countries for progressive drug policy reform
Canada recently became the second country — and the first Group of Seven country — to legalize marijuana for...
Foreign Policy
The U.N. Can’t Bring Peace to the Central African Republic
BANGUI, Central African Republic—To locals, he is known simply as “Force.” The moniker is appropriate....
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Video of man beating his wife forces Brazil to face up to gender violence
This ugly tale of domestic abuse is related from various angles by the security cameras in a residential...
Na Midia site (1)
The Guardian view on Brazil’s murder rate: what not to do
Homicide rates in Mexico and Brazil are climbing even further. Yet Britain could learn from listening...
Na Midia site (1)
'A devastating scenario': Brazil sets new record for homicides at 63,880 deaths
Data show a 3% increase of people killed in 2017 from the previous year; rapes also rose 8% to 60,018
Steven Pinker et Robert Muggah : « La démocratie libérale se porte très bien merci »
Démocraties fatiguées 3|6. La montée de l’autoritarisme est inquiétante, mais les libertés continuent...
How Toronto can curb gun violence
A shadow hangs over Toronto after Sunday’s shooting on the Danforth. The recent killing spree follows...
The Washington Post Logo
We know how to reduce homicides in Latin America. Where’s the political will?
Before 2018 is over, more than half the population of Latin America will have elected a new president.
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Call Now to Save Your Life: A Colombian Experiment in Homicide Prevention
As she began to run afoul of a street gang in her working-class neighborhood in Medellín, Lina Carmona...
The only way out of Nicaragua’s violent crisis rests in Ortega’s hands
Nicaragua’s political crisis is spinning out of control, with political tensions rising to levels not...
Enough violence in latin america (2)
ENOUGH! Latin America's Murder Epidemic Needs Urgent, Democratic Solutions
Overall, the past quarter-century has been an era of progress for the region: Democracy has spread.
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Against the Tide: Why It's So Hard to Stop the Violence in Brazil
In a murder-plagued Brazilian city, a legislator pushes against popular clamor for hard-line enforcement.
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