In the Media

Citizen Security
Climate Security
Digital Security
Civic Space
International Cooperation
Adriana Abdenur Le Monde
Fighting Climate Change Means Fighting Organized Crime
As the world’s largest terrestrial carbon sink, the Amazon is a key front in the fight against climate...
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Opinion: Pandemics are the world's silent killers. We need new ways to contain them.
One of humanity’s gravest existential threats is invisible. Pandemics are silent killers and have prematurely...
World Economic Forum
In an era of global uncertainty, the SDGs can be our guide
Global cooperation is at a crossroads. Many of the world's biggest challenges are not a result of disagreements...
How climate change is fueling extremism
Climate change is already triggering devastating weather events across the planet, including prolonged...
Washington Post
Brazil’s Bolsonaro tweets a lewd video, evoking outrage
Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro tweeted a sexually explicit video of a man touching himself late Tuesday...
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Brazil and Venezuela clash over migrants, humanitarian aid and closed borders
Venezuela’s borders are now dangerous flashpoints in a tense showdown between President Nicolas Maduro...
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As Guaidó Returns to Venezuela, Priorities Are De-escalation and Elections
The crisis in Venezuela risks descending into civil war. The all-out power struggle between President...
NPR (2)
Opinion: Haiti's Troubles Must Not Be Forgotten
The stench of burning tires is hard to escape. Haiti's capital, Port-au-Prince, is again littered with...
World Economic Forum
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How Police Violence Paves The Way To Authoritarianism
in a country plagued by rising levels of violent crime, the sentiment is widely popular with voters —...
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Brazil, With Most Homicides in the World, Moves to Loosen Gun Laws
Brazil has a crime problem. It is the country with the most homicides in the world, registering almost...
LA Times (2)
Federal security force dispatched to stop wave of violence in Brazil's Ceara state
A wave of violence that has swept across the state of Ceara in the last three days has led Brazil’s newly...
Americas Quarterly
In Mexico and Brazil, Mano Dura Gains Ground Left and Right
Faced with an epidemic of homicidal violence and relentless corruption, newly elected governments in...
10 Ways to Push the Climate Change and Conflict Agenda, Despite the Deniers
It is now well documented that global warming is a multiplier of insecurity and conflict
bloomberg logo
El Salvador’s New President Is Sitting on a Pot of Gold
Of the many outsiders who have emerged in Latin American politics of late, young Nayib Bukele stands...
al jazeera
Will arming Brazilians make the country safer?
Brazil’s new president, Jair Bolsonaro, is making good on a campaign promise to loosen the country’s...
The Christian Science Monitor logo
Can Canada lead on Latin America? Venezuela poses a test
As Canada hosts an international meeting Monday aimed at ending the presidency of Venezuela’s embattled...
Un Peace Missions
The Global South and UN Peace Operations
The countries of Africa, Asia, and Latin America provide around 92 percent of all military and police...
How a piece of Brazilian malware became a global cybercrime export
Brazil holds a special place in popular consciousness. It evokes thoughts of sun kissed beaches and dense,...
Fear and zeal over Brazil
Fear and zeal over more guns in Brazil
Fearing for his safety amid rising crime in Latin America’s largest nation, Paulo Alberto joined a gun...
climate home logo
UN security council members mount new push to address climate threat
UK, France lead push to set up UN “clearing house” to identify climate-stressed regions at risk of collapsing...
Buzzfeed news
These Researchers Have Proved There Is A Link Between War And Climate Change
New research published by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has established a relationship...
World Economic Forum
10 key moments from day three at Davos
That's a wrap for day three at this year's Annual Meeting in Davos. From the future of Europe and fighting...
climate diplomacy
Climate Migration Hotspots in Mexico and Central America
In some areas of the world, including Central America, rising sea levels and declining agricultural productivity...
Brazil took a hard turn to the right
The Sahel is engulfed by violence. Climate change, food insecurity and extremists are largely to blame
For centuries, herdsmen across Africa’s Sahel headed south during the long, hot dry season.
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Ending Violence in the Sahel
World Economic Forum Annual Meeting - Davos 2019
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Mali-Niger: Climate change and conflict make an explosive mix in the Sahel
The effects of climate change are exacerbating conflict between communities in both Mali and Niger, leading...
associated press ap
Fear and zeal over more guns in violence-plagued Brazil
Fearing for his safety amid rising crime in Latin America’s largest nation, Paulo Alberto joined a gun...
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Brazil’s gun lovers celebrate relaxation of firearms laws
Jair Bolsonaro delivers campaign pledge for looser regulation, despite murder rate
Brazil's President Bolsonaro Just Made It A Lot Easier For Brazilians To Have Guns
Brazil's far-right President Jair Bolsonaro signed a decree significantly expanding the public's right...
washington post
Amid a spike in slayings, Brazil’s president loosens restrictions on gun ownership
By The Washington Post Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro signed a decree Tuesday loosening restrictions...
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Jair Bolsonaro makes it easier for Brazilians to buy and own guns
The idea that a ‘good guy with a gun’ will improve personal security in Brazil is pure fiction
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Bolsonaro loosens gun laws in Brazil, world murder capital
President Jair Bolsonaro on Tuesday signed a decree making it easier for many Brazilians to own firearms
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Bolsonaro Signs Decree Making It Easier for Brazilians to Buy Guns
President Jair Bolsonaro of Brazil signed a decree on Tuesday
Relaxing Brazil's Gun Laws Could Make A Murderous Country Even Deadlier
Brazilians are desperate for better public security, and not without good reason
How to survive and thrive in our age of uncertainty
We are living through an era of intense turbulence, disillusionment and bewilderment.
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Europe faces a "welcoming crisis" when it comes to migrants and refugees. It's not fair.
"Anti-migrant sentiment is at fever pitch." Seeing ourselves as others see us
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How Brazil Can Do Better for Venezuela’s Refugees
Long an advocate for refugee rights, Brazil’s response to the Venezuelan crisis has fallen short. Here’s...
Mapping Africa’s Megacities
Africa is urbanising at break-neck speed. So how do people keep track of where city amenities are, or...
the economist
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In Latin America, Awash in Crime, Citizens Impose Their Own Brutal Justice
The 16-year-old had spent a balmy Saturday afternoon in May with his high school friends at a funk music...
the new york times
Brazil’s New Leader Wants to Ease Gun Laws. Supporters Are Ready, and Training.
For Natalia and Rubens Ortega, the only remaining question is: Glock or Taurus?
Brazil took a hard turn to the right
Is Kabila Using Ethnic Violence to Stay in Power?
For as long as anyone can recall, Ituri, the mineral-rich province in the northeastern Democratic Republic...
It's time for cities to flex their soft power
Cities, not nation-states, are the dominant unit of human organization in the twenty-first century.
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Rudy Giuliani Surfs Uruguay’s Crime Wave
For desperate Latin American leaders, the ex-mayor’s super-cop reputation matters more than feeble results.
The Paris Peace Forum—What’s Not to Like?
“international cooperation is key to tackling global challenges and ensuring durable peace.”
Why you're wrong about Latin America
When Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán was bussed to trial in New York on Tuesday morning, Brooklyn Bridge was...
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Why a 'Great Wall' Won't Stop the Cross-Border Gun Trade
Legal gun sales – and black market forces – keep arms flowing across the U.S.-Mexico border
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