Category: Types of content


Humanitarian Demining and Conflict Prevention

Lessons from Colombia’s FARC Peace Process Adriana Erthal Abdenur, in Caquetá (Colombia) Humanitarian demining is often presented as a technical component of post-conflict reconstruction and peacebuilding, a painstaking and slow process necessary to avoid the human suffering caused by anti-personnel mines, improvised explosive devices, and


Fractured conflict prevention in Burundi requires greater innovation

Burundi’s ongoing political instability highlights the stark divide between global conflict prevention rhetoric and practice   Priyal Singh   Since the announcement by  Burundian President, Pierre Nkurunziza, to run for a controversial third term in early 2015, political instability across the country – marked by


Fragile-to-Fragile Cooperation and Conflict Prevention

East Timor Initiatives in Guinea-Bissau   Adriana Erthal Abdenur, in Bissau   Can conflict-affected states effectively support one another in overcoming recurring instability and promoting development and sustaining peace?  Timor-Leste’s growing cooperation with Guinea-Bissau suggests that, although incipient, fragile-to-fragile (F2F) cooperation may become a promising


Venas abiertas: homicidios en América Latina

[In spanish] DW habló con dos experts sobre los obstáculos con que se topan a la hora de procesar las estadísticas acerca de los homicídios dolosos en Latinoamérica.


Egypt´s terrorist violence is a reminder of the new normal

WEF Forum November, 2017 Friday´s savage attack in Egypt is a reminder that the vast majority of terrorist-related killings occur in less well known cities far from the media glare. To be sure, the brutal murder of 305 practicing Sufis in Bir al-Abed represents a


Brazilian South-South Cooperation in Guinea-Bissau

Social Technologies for Peacebuilding?     Adriana Erthal Abdenur, in Bissau   South-South Cooperation (SSC) often adopts a discourse that is strongly centered on development and that keeps security at arm’s length. However, many SSC partners increasingly undertake cooperation initiatives in conflict-affected or politically unstable


Cities overwhelmed by unplanned migration, need support – urban experts

Thomson Reuters Foundation November, 2017 BARCELONA – Many cities are being overwhelmed by growing numbers of people migrating to them, and will become highly vulnerable to floods, storms and other disasters unless authorities receive more support, urban experts said on Wednesday. The proportion of the


South-South Cooperation in Guinea-Bissau

What Role in Peacebuilding?   Adriana Erthal Abdenur, in Bissau     Far from a novelty, South-South Cooperation (SSC) has been in place for half a century in parts of the developing world, including Portuguese-language countries in Africa.  A number of SSC development partners are


Ad hoc security initiatives a potential force multiplier for the AU

Regional efforts like those against the LRA and Boko Haram could reinvent continental approaches to conflicts   Gustavo de Carvalho and Annette Leijenaar With the increasing use of ad hoc security initiatives in Africa, there is new momentum for the African Pe and Security Architecture (APSA) to


These are the greatest problems facing modern cities

Expert Robert Muggah describes the most dangerous threats faced by modern cities around the world. From climate change to globalization and urbanization cities must adapt to the new challenges of the 21st century.

Press Release

TED Global presentation demonstrates why cities should have greater political power

10 November, 2017   City specialist and co-founder of the Igarapé Institute, Robert Muggah, sets out six ways for urban centers to address the global migration crisis, terrorism, and climate change. His TED talk “How Cities Can Become More Resilient” was released yesterday, 9 November, and is available here.   Watch


How Cities Can Become More Resilient (TED Global 2017)

November, 2017 Robert Muggah speaks at TED Global NYC. The urban specialist and co-founder of the Igarapé Institute sets out six ways for urban centers to address the global migration crisis, terrorism, and climate change. The TED talk features data from the Earth TimeLapse visualization



the Role of Climate Change in Recurring Violence   Giovanna Kuele and Ana Cristina Miola The deadliest blast in Somalia’s history, which killed more than 350 people, and the double car bombing in Mogadishu last October represented frustrating backslides in the country’s efforts to build stability.


Seeing beyond Somali tragedy could help changing conflict prevention

Local and international actors should reinforce their support to preventing conflict and sustaining peace in Somalia   Omar Mahmood and Gustavo de Carvalho After the attack in central Mogadishu on 14 October 2017, which killed more than 350 people, both traditional and social media seem


First, Do No Harm

The Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA) Debate, Viewed from Brazil


Safe Cities Index 2017

The Safe Cities Index 2017 is a report from The Economist Intelligence Unit sponsored by NEC.


Future visions: The talks of TEDGlobalNYC

Robert Muggah is back on TED. In this TED Global NYC, Muggah articulates an ancient but resurging idea: that cities should be not only the center of economic life but also the foundation of our political lives.

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