Category: Publications

Global Futures Bulletin: the connections between money laundering and environmental crime

Global Futures Bulletin: Money laundering from environmental crime

Money laundering involves concealing the origins of illegally obtained funds, while illicit financial flows impact developed and developing countries alike as criminal proceeds traverse international borders. In this edition, we highlight the threat of money laundering and illicit financial flows for the stability of financial


Disinformation Pulse

This paper provides an overview of disinformation trends since 2014 and delves into the dynamics of the presidential election cycle from August through October 2022.


Annual Report 2022

At the end of 2022, we recovered our hopes of taking up a more promising path. After a few difficult years and enormous setbacks, much is needed to reconstruct public policy, strengthen the institutional capacity of the state, and accelerate the fight against inequality and various forms of


Global Futures Bulletin: The Amazon Climate Bomb

Rampant deforestation and degradation are pushing the Amazon Basin to a dangerous tipping point that could jeopardize its vast carbon capture and water production potential, with serious consequences for South America and beyond. The second Global Futures Bulletin – The Amazon Climate Bomb – highlights


Inventory of data on economic activity and deforestation in the Amazon Basin

Multiple factors shape land change and land use patterns in the Amazon Basin.This note aims to identify data sources for two specific phenomena: changes in land cover and GHG emissions. It also considers key economic sectors that accelerate deforestation including livestock and agricultural development. To


Global Futures Bulletin: Climate migration and displacement

The Igarapé Institute is launching the latest edition of the Global Futures Bulletin at COP27. Published quarterly, this report draws attention to the world’s greatest challenges and innovative solutions, leveraging perspectives from the Global South to tackle the three main elements of the planetary crisis:


Stolen Amazon: the roots of environmental crime in five countries

Because illegal deforestation does not respect borders, InSight Crime and the Igarapé Institute have launched an investigation into environmental crimes across five Amazonian countries: Ecuador, Venezuela, Bolivia, Guyana, and Suriname. With land in these five countries accounting for some 20 percent of the Amazon Basin,


The Civic Space GPS 7

  The closure of civic space — the sphere between business, the State and family in which citizens organize, debate and act to influence public policies and the direction of the country — continues in Brazil. In this seventh edition, covering the second quarter of 2022,


The Civic Space GPS 6

The closure of civic space — the sphere between business, the State and family in which citizens organize, debate and act to influence public policies and the direction of the country —  continues in Brazil. In this sixth of Civic Space GPS bulletin, the Institute provides an


The roots of environmental crime in the Peruvian Amazon

Peru’s 70 million hectares of rainforest are being razed at an alarming rate. In 2020, the country saw a record 203,000 hectares destroyed, a nearly 40 percent jump from 2019.   “The roots of environmental crime in the Peruvian Amazon” is the second in a


Civic Space GPS 5

The closure of civic space — the sphere between business, the State and family in which citizens organize, debate and act to influence public policies and the direction of the country —  continues in Brazil. The fifth edition of Civic Space GPS bulletin consolidates an unprecedented


The Civic Space GPS 4

The closure of civic space — the sphere between business, the State and family in which citizens organize, debate and act to influence public policies and the direction of the country —  continues in Brazil. The fourth edition of Civic Space GPS bulletin consolidates one


The Greater Horn on the Edge: visualizing climate stress and insecurity

      The Igarapé Institute, together with Kenya and Switzerland, releases the artcile “The Geater Horn on the Edge: visualizing climate stress and insecurity”, a publication that draws on remote sensing and scientific literature to describe the ways the climate-security connection is shaping the


A green economy can deliver zero deforestation in the Amazon by 2030

The publication “A green economy can deliver zero deforestation in the Amazon by 2030”  details why an end to deforestation and degradation is imperative to “protect our planet” as well as how it can be achieved. A rapid acceleration of the green economy — upon


Why the bill 1.595/2019 must be rejected by Brazil’s Chamber of Deputies

Civic space is closing down in Brazil. Restrictions to fundamental rights are on the rise. So are the intimidation and criminalization of the dissenters and government critics. In this context, bill 1.592/2019, filed by federal deputy Vitor Hugo (PSL-GO) puts Brazilian democracy in jeopardy and


Mapping nuclear non-proliferation

The publication “Rethiking Multilateralism – Mapping nuclear non-proliferation” maps out networked multilateralism, including in relation to nuclear non-proliferation initiatives. The principal goal is to determine if there is utility in mapping the networks that characterize state and non-state commitments to international treaties, conventions and agreements.


Workers: New social contract proposal

The publication “Workers: new social contract proposal”  calls for a new social contract, emphasising green, equitable and inclusive recovery and resistence, and urge commitment to demands in line with the Sustainable Development Goals. The document is part of United Nation’s Secretary General Our Common Agenda.


Assessing global vaccination measures to address covid-19

The publication “Rethiking Multilateralism – Assessing Global Vaccination Measures to Address Covid-19” shows how the vaccination landscape is changing rapidly during the coronavirus pandemic. A new multilateralism coupled wih investments of US$ 50 billion could avoid up to US$ 9 trillion in costs to the


Accelerating inclusive global cooperation

The world is facing multiple connected, cascading and compounding mega-threats. These challenges range from climate change, pandemic outbreaks and deepening inequality to massive digital vulnerabilities and nuclear proliferation. Yet global cooperation to address these and other issues is in short supply. More than ever, governments

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