Category: Citizen Security Dialogues in the news


The world’s top 50 thinkers 2020: the winner

Related concern about state brutality also propels two expert advocates up the list: Ilona Szabó de Carvalho (5th), who set up the internationally-influential Igarapé Institute, which champions citizen-led security, and the American prison abolitionist


Brazil police arrest more than 400 people in drug gang crackdown

Robert Muggah, co-founder of Brazil-based security and development think tank Igarape Institute, said that while Monday’s operation will “sting,” it is “unlikely to make a major dent on the PCC” given the organization’s vast size, hierarchy and deep roots in the country’s prison system.


3 of the World’s Deadliest Serial Killers Come From the Same Place: Why?

Muggah, who runs a think-tank working on data-driven justice across Latin America called Igarapé Institute, says that Colombia’s sky-high rate of homicide made it not just difficult to differentiate the victims of serial killers from all the other victims, but it made it incredibly hard for the police to investigate, much less prosecute perpetrators.


How Latin America Can Tackle Its Post-COVID Priorities

On multiple fronts, data-driven policymaking has informed and improved Latin America’s response to COVID-19 – from information about the availability of hospital beds and ventilators to economic measurements to help direct relief packages for businesses and workers.


Social unrest could undo or renew America

“I can’t breathe.” The final words gasped by George Floyd are now a global meme. They were recorded on the mobile phone of a bystander while Mr. Floyd was being suffocated to death by a police officer in Minneapolis.


Building Brazil’s National Action Plan: lessons learned and opportunities

Published in London Schools Economics By Renata Giannini Brazil’s process of drafting its first National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security was marked by the political crisis that started during the government of its first female president, Dilma Rousseff, and culminated in her impeachment, followed by


How reducing inequality will make our cities safer

Where a person is born and lives correlates with their overall life chances. Unsurprisingly, people living in environments characterized by high levels of economic and social inequality tend to be more exposed to violence and victimization than those living elsewhere.


Tell us where it hurts: Collective action to fight violence

Violence has always been one of humanity’s most serious global challenges. Hundreds of millions of men, women, and children have been killed or maimed by armed conflict, crime, extremism, and sexual and gender-based violence. Not only does violence exact a massive social and economic toll, it depreciates human capital and undermines important civic and social institutions.

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