Reflections on the Brazilian Effect: A seminar on Brazil’s potential to deploy civilian experts to fragile settings

By Mariana Kalil with Eduarda Haman. Edited by Robert Muggah. Translation by Ana Paula Pellegrino.

The Igarapé Institute coordinated the first ever seminar on Brazilian civilian capacities for peace support operations in February 2012. The seminar brought together key stakeholders to review national interests, latent capabilities, practical challenges and genuine opportunities for promoting a Brazilian face on future multilateral and trilateral missions. The seminar assembled selected representatives of the federal government from the United Nations (UN) and academia. The seminar found that Brazil has a real opportunity to expand its civilian presence, including in on-going UN missions. Indeed, participants agreed that Brazil had considerable strategic advantages and should proactively expand its position in line with its expanding geopolitical profile.

Read the full report



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