Category: Op-eds


Digital Tough Guys

Foreign Affairs – Over the last five months, El Salvador has suffered unprecedented levels of homicidal violence

Digital Security in the Media

Brazil’s Cybercrime Problem

Foreign Affairs – Brazil ranks second worldwide in online bank fraud and financial malware. Yet much of the Brazilian public remains unaware of the scale of the problem.


Gangsta’s Paradise: How Brazil’s Criminals (and Police) Use Social Media

Americas Quarterly – Rio de Janeiro’s most wanted drug trafficker, Playboy, died in a hail of police gunfire at his girlfriend’s apartment this month. Photographs of his bullet-riddled body began circulating on the Internet within minutes of his demise. So did an audio recording suggesting that he “left the scene alive, but arrived to the hospital dead.” His assassination is yet another pixel in Brazil´s relentless war on drugs.


Cop cams go global

Thanks to the technology revolution, policing in Brazil and around the world is changing


Reduzir a maioridade penal é cair na repetição de fracassos

Se por um lado demos um passo importante para garantir a vida de nossas crianças durante seus primeiros anos, por outro, fracassamos em evitar o trágico destino de morte violenta para muitas destas crianças na segunda década de suas vidas


Meça sua indignação, parça!

Se quisermos deixar de ficar reféns do medo da morte violenta, temos que discutir, para ontem e com toda a seriedade, questões como democratização da política, reforma da atual política de drogas, regulação responsável de armas, e, principalmente, políticas públicas de prevenção da violência.


The Dangers of Urban Fragility

The sheer pace and scale of urbanization is precipitating one of the most dramatic demographic shifts in human history. More than half of the world’s population now resides in cities


Stronger Gun Laws, Less Violence

“Strong gun laws are not equivalent to taking guns away from citizens”, says newest p-ed written by Rob Muggah and Ilona Szabó and published at the The Huffington Post


Cops on Camera. Are Police Ready?

While not welcomed by everyone, new technologies such as cop cams are coming. Many of the U.S.’s largest police departments are already testing them


Give Gun Amnesties a Chance

By reducing the number of legal and illegal guns in circulation, amnesties decrease the likelihood of someone getting shot


As reais intenções do Brasil na África

O que está por trás da relação entre o Brasil e a África? O Itamaraty defende tratar-se de um projeto de cooperação, mas o fato é que o Brasil tem interesses econômicos


The Fragile City Arrives

The world has entered its urban age. More than half of the globe’s population currently resides in cities as compared to

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