Category: Safer cities


Brazilian Democracy on the Brink

After years of corruption scandals, economic malaise, and deepening political polarization, Brazilians have lost faith in the promise of democracy, and could soon elect a dangerous authoritarian to the presidency.


The Coming Crime Wars

Wars are on the rebound. There are twice as many civil conflicts today, for example, as there were in 2001. 


These are Asia’s most future-ready cities

The planet is urbanizing at an unprecedented speed, generating enormous social, economic and climatic stress. If sustainable urbanization is one of the paramount challenges of the 21st century, then Asia is ground zero for determining whether humanity can succeed.


States of Fragility 2018

Three years into the 2030 Agenda it is already apparent that those living in fragile contexts are the furthest behind. Not all forms of fragility make it to the public’s eye: fragility is an intricate beast, sometimes exposed, often lurking underneath, but always holding progress back.


Robert Muggah – BBC News

A new website that lets people delve into data on the world’s cities has been launched.

Dr Robert Muggah from the think-tank Instituto Igarapé showed the BBC some of his favourite maps from EarthTime.


Mapas revelam verdades escondidas em nossas cidades

A new website that lets people delve into data on the world’s cities has been launched.

Dr Robert Muggah from the think-tank Instituto Igarapé showed the BBC some of his favourite maps from EarthTime.


Hip crowd gets São Paulo’s heart beating again

An influx of eateries and artistic businesses is helping to sweep away decades of neglect and decay 13/03/2018 Originally published on the Financial Times It is a Friday night in central São Paulo and the terrace at Orfeu, a restaurant-cum-club, could be New York’s Greenwich


Cinco hechos que son necesarios para entender el nuevo orden global

  Febrero, 2018 World Economic Forum   En la reunión del Foro Económico Mundial en Davos la semana pasada, se abordaron al menos tres versiones diferentes sobre el futuro orden mundial. Una de ellos fue la difundida por un combativo Donald Trump, que pedía una retirada estadounidense a


Brazil at the Liberal Crossroads

February, 2018 Project Syndicate   Since the end of World War II, Latin America has maintained a lukewarm stance toward the US-dominated liberal world order, and Brazil is no exception. But at the end of the day, Brazil has much more in common with the


It’s time to get used to a new global order with China and the U.S. at its centre

iPolitics Fevereiro, 2018 Three competing versions of the future world order clashed at the World Economic Forum’s gathering in Davos last week. There was the one pushed by a feisty Donald Trump calling for economic nationalism and his country’s retreat from the current order. Another was advanced by Chinese


Drogas: la guerra que no acabó y los riesgos que emergen

Razón Pública January, 2018 En medio de una reñida campaña presidencial, el aumento en las hectáreas de coca podría revivir las fumigaciones y endurecer otra vez la “guerra” contras la drogas. ¿Cómo reducir los cultivos ilícitos sin hacer daño a la paz y al desarrollo?

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