Category: Media


The logistics of ending Colombia’s war with the FARC

After nearly three years of peace negotiations, the Colombian government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) announced a final peace accord would be signed before March 23, 2016


Why easing marijuana laws is a good first step

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s commitment toward major drug law reform is a welcome if belated recognition that when it comes to marijuana, Canada has been an emperor with no clothes for several years


Tackling Gun Violence in India

India has reached the second largest number of homicides in the world, which policies should be applied in order to reverse these statistics?


Rio’s Favelas Feel The Peace — And The Pressure — Of Pacification

On a Saturday morning, in a group of Rio de Janeiro’s notoriously violent shanty towns, or favelas, heavily armed pacification police stand on one side of the street, on the other side, protestors call for them to withdraw.

On the protest side, Mayse Freitas lists the people she knows who have been injured or killed in shootouts in the area recently.

“I’m a mother and a grandmother,” Freitas says. “I don’t want my children or grandchildren to be next.”


Violence, Football Hooliganism and Fragmented Justice System

SK Football – The game of football holds a larger than life status in the country of Brazil. The prevalence of the sport in Brazilian culture is so ubiquitous that there is probably not a single stretch of land left in the country where a ball has not been rolled


STF começa nesta quinta a decidir sobre descriminalização do porte de drogas

O Globo – Pode haver uma quantidade de droga que diferencie o usuário do traficante? Países como Colômbia, Holanda e México têm diversos limites tolerados por lei para o porte de maconha, por exemplo. Esta poderá ser uma das questões em discussão no Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) a partir de hoje, durante o julgamento que definirá se portar drogas para consumo pessoal no Brasil continuará sendo crime


Brazil police may be to blame for 35 execution-style killings over weekend

Detectives in Manaus are investigating whether police death squads or criminal gangs were involved in a rash of execution-style killings that left 35 people dead in just three days. As the authorities flooded the streets with officers to reassure a nervous public, city officials were


Cop cams go global

Thanks to the technology revolution, policing in Brazil and around the world is changing


Reduzir a maioridade penal é cair na repetição de fracassos

Se por um lado demos um passo importante para garantir a vida de nossas crianças durante seus primeiros anos, por outro, fracassamos em evitar o trágico destino de morte violenta para muitas destas crianças na segunda década de suas vidas

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