Category: Types of content


These are Asia’s most future-ready cities

The planet is urbanizing at an unprecedented speed, generating enormous social, economic and climatic stress. If sustainable urbanization is one of the paramount challenges of the 21st century, then Asia is ground zero for determining whether humanity can succeed.


ATT Monitor Report 2018

ATT Monitor is a project of Control Arms. The project was launched in January 2015 with the support of the governments of Austria, Australia, Ireland, Netherlands, Norway, and Trinidad and Tobago.


Mali is slipping back into chaos

Mali experienced a rare glimmer of stability this month. Although voter turnout was dampened by security fears, the country pulled off the second round of a presidential election on Aug. 12.


How Toronto can curb gun violence

A shadow hangs over Toronto after Sunday’s shooting on the Danforth. The recent killing spree follows on the heels of a vehicle attack on Yonge Street this spring and a raft of shootings, including one with small children in the crossfire last month.


Reducing Homicide: What Presidents Are Doing

The murder epidemic in Latin America is an appalling tragedy. But it is also an incredibly complex public policy challenge stemming from problems that have plagued the region for decades


Donación de órganos, miedo visceral

En Argentina y México, las leyes han sido reformadas con miras a introducir el principio del “donante presunto” y ampliar la cantidad de órganos disponibles para trasplantes. Esa figura atiza viejos temores. Un análisis.


To end the global murder epidemic, give mayors more power

Latin America accounts for 8% of the world’s population, but 33% of its homicides. A history of military repression, drug wars and dictatorships have made the region the most violent on earth, but now, new methods of preventing violence are springing up there.


Data maps reveal global refugee flow

The global migrant crisis is transcending borders, defining itself as one of the most important issues of our time. It’s fueling a growing political debate and a political divide on how to confront it.


Robert Muggah – BBC News

A new website that lets people delve into data on the world’s cities has been launched.

Dr Robert Muggah from the think-tank Instituto Igarapé showed the BBC some of his favourite maps from EarthTime.

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