Category: Safer cities


Las predicciones para el mundo en 2030

[In spanish] El Foro Económico Mundial, publicó resultados del estudio realizado por expertos del Consejo del Futuro Global dónde dieron su visión de cómo será el mundo en el año 2030.


Egypt´s terrorist violence is a reminder of the new normal

WEF Forum November, 2017 Friday´s savage attack in Egypt is a reminder that the vast majority of terrorist-related killings occur in less well known cities far from the media glare. To be sure, the brutal murder of 305 practicing Sufis in Bir al-Abed represents a


These are the greatest problems facing modern cities

Expert Robert Muggah describes the most dangerous threats faced by modern cities around the world. From climate change to globalization and urbanization cities must adapt to the new challenges of the 21st century.


How Cities Can Become More Resilient (TED Global 2017)

November, 2017 Robert Muggah speaks at TED Global NYC. The urban specialist and co-founder of the Igarapé Institute sets out six ways for urban centers to address the global migration crisis, terrorism, and climate change. The TED talk features data from the Earth TimeLapse visualization


Safe Cities Index 2017

The Safe Cities Index 2017 is a report from The Economist Intelligence Unit sponsored by NEC.


Future visions: The talks of TEDGlobalNYC

Robert Muggah is back on TED. In this TED Global NYC, Muggah articulates an ancient but resurging idea: that cities should be not only the center of economic life but also the foundation of our political lives.


It´s time for cities to lead

OpenDemocracy July, 2017 If the test of successful political leadership could be distilled to a single issue, the fight to safeguard our climate would be a strong candidate. With President Trump withdrawing the US from the Paris Climate Change Agreement (COP21), he abdicates a claim to serious leadership.


Overreaction to the terrorist threat is the perpetrators’ prize

Financial Times June, 2017 In the EU, the chances of being killed by a terrorist in 2016 were just five times greater than being killed by lightning. The chances of being murdered for some other reason were more than 30 times greater than that of


Tempering the human cost of building Brazil’s dams

Devex June, 2017 Brazil is the site of not one, but multiple forced migration crises. Since 2016, thousands of Venezuelans have poured across the border in search of safer ground. Congolese, Mozambican and Syrian refugees are claiming asylum there alongside Haitian survival migrants. Much less visible, however,


Tackling global problems? Look to cities, not countries

The Globe and Mail – ROBERT MUGGAH Published Jun. 17, 2017 The world is buckling under multiple pressures, including climate change, inequality, migration, pandemics and terrorism. Yet, at precisely the moment collective action is most pressing, international co-operation is coming unstuck. Twentieth-century supranational entities such


Europe’s terror threat is real. But its cities are much safer than you think

WEForum June, 2017 The world has suffered an alarming increase in terrorism events over the past five years. Equally dramatic is the spike in terrorism-related fatalities. While the vast majority of terrorist-related killings are concentrated in the Middle East, North Africa and Central and South


Safe havens: why cities are crucial to the global refugee crisis

06 Jun 2017 Robert MuggahResearch Director, Igarapé Institute The world is facing unprecedented levels of population displacement. At least 65 million people are on the move, including 21.3 million refugees and 31 million internally displaced persons since the beginning of 2016. That means that one


Safe havens: why cities are crucial to the global refugee crisis

WEForum June, 2017 The world is facing unprecedented levels of population displacement. At least 65 million people are on the move, including 21.3 million refugees and 31 million internally displaced persons since the beginning of 2016. That means that one in every 100 people globally


The smartest cities are resilient ones

[Em Inglês] O foco deste artigo é a necessidade de resiliência das cidades, tendo em vista a urbanização desorganizada que tem se alastrado pelo planeta.

Safer cities

What makes a city ‘fragile’?

Citiscope – Interview with Robert Muggah, research director at the Igarapé Institute, to find out more about this data tool and how it attempts to measure fragility in cities


Por cidades mais seguras

Folha de S. Paulo – No país que possui 32 das 50 cidades mais violentas do mundo, é inadmissível que a segurança pública


Why cities rule the world

TED Ideas – Cities are the the 21st century’s dominant form of civilization – and they’re where humanity’s struggle for survival will take place

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