Tag: peacekeeping

Status and the Rise of Brazil

Researcher Eduarda Hamann contributed with a chapter entitled “Brazil’s Evolving ‘Balancing Act’ on the Use of Force in Multilateral Operations: From Robust Peacekeeping to ‘Responsibility While Protecting’”.

Brazilian Peacekeeping

This policy brief revisits the country’s evolving role and strategic use of peacekeeping.

O Brasil e as Operações de Paz da ONU

Carta Capital (original in portuguese) – Part of Brazil’s diplomatic strength is in the upward trend of participation in international missions

Implementing UNSC Resolution 1325 in Brazil

This Strategic Note reviews Brazil’s implementation efforts of Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 1325, particularly in relation to UN peacekeeping operations.

A Reforma do Conselho de Segurança da ONU

[In Portuguese] 2015 marks United Nations 70th birthday. With this, the existing debates about the adequacy of UN system to 21st century reality and needs gain strength.

Haiti’s Urban Crime Wave?

Random household surveys conducted on a monthly basis between August 2011 and February 2012 indicate that violent crime is increasingly common in Haiti.


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