Category: Types of content


Brazil police may be to blame for 35 execution-style killings over weekend

Detectives in Manaus are investigating whether police death squads or criminal gangs were involved in a rash of execution-style killings that left 35 people dead in just three days. As the authorities flooded the streets with officers to reassure a nervous public, city officials were


Brazil’s Gun Violence Problem Is ‘Made in Brazil’

Rio de Janeiro´s famously laid-back residents are in a state of panic. A string of high profile knifings in well-heeled areas of the city are putting Cariocas on edge. The recent stabbing of a doctor inspired the drafting of new legislation to control knives. Though


Cop cams go global

Thanks to the technology revolution, policing in Brazil and around the world is changing


A Chat on Social Taboos

Ilona Szabó talks about her experience with drug policy and public security


Reduzir a maioridade penal é cair na repetição de fracassos

Se por um lado demos um passo importante para garantir a vida de nossas crianças durante seus primeiros anos, por outro, fracassamos em evitar o trágico destino de morte violenta para muitas destas crianças na segunda década de suas vidas

Strategic Notes

A Reforma do Conselho de Segurança da ONU

[In Portuguese] 2015 marks United Nations 70th birthday. With this, the existing debates about the adequacy of UN system to 21st century reality and needs gain strength.


Meça sua indignação, parça!

Se quisermos deixar de ficar reféns do medo da morte violenta, temos que discutir, para ontem e com toda a seriedade, questões como democratização da política, reforma da atual política de drogas, regulação responsável de armas, e, principalmente, políticas públicas de prevenção da violência.


The Dangers of Urban Fragility

The sheer pace and scale of urbanization is precipitating one of the most dramatic demographic shifts in human history. More than half of the world’s population now resides in cities

Press Release

New Data Visualization Tracks Homicide Around the World

Igarapé Institute launches the Homicide Monitor, a digital application that reveals that just a small number of countries account for a disproportionately large share of the global burden of murder

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