Category: Types of content


The Trouble With Brazil’s Expanding Arms Trade

Defense One April, 2017 Brazilian-made weapons – whether firearms, ammunition or cluster munitions – are turning up with alarming frequency in some of the world’s most fragile countries. This is not so surprising; Brazil has ranked among the top global producers of small arms and


Readers interview Ilona Szabó on drug policy

Nexo April, 2017 Especialista em segurança pública e política de drogas responde a perguntas dos leitores sobre legalização da maconha e outras coisas mais.

Press Release

Responding to the murder epidemic in Latin America

The “Instinct for Life” homicide reduction campaign aims to cut homicides in the region by 50% in ten years April, 2017 Latin America faces a murder epidemic: every day at least 400 people are violently killed. That amounts to 144,000 homicides a year.  Some 2.6


Brazil doesn’t do wars — but weapons sales yes

RFI April 6, 2017 Brazil is on the sidelines of today’s wars, but at a Rio defense fair this week the South American gentle giant eagerly sought to sell weapons to anyone else who may need to fight. Brazilian companies account for 150 of the


The world’s most dangerous cities

The Economist March 31, 2017 COCAINE is grown primarily in South America, and trafficked to the world’s biggest market, the United States, via Central America and the Caribbean. The land routes originate mainly in Colombia, and pass through the small nations of El Salvador, Honduras


Brazil’s prisons: A battleground in the drug wars

Al Jazeera March 27, 2017 Manaus, Brazil – It was early evening on January 1, 2017, when Maria heard that a riot was under way at Complexo Penitenciario Anisio Jobim (COMPAJ) – the prison where her two sons Antony, 27, and Antonio, 22, were being held. Maria – an


Drogas: as histórias que não te contaram

Jota March 27, 2017 Ainda que destacada pelas manchetes dos jornais no país e no mundo, a crise carcerária brasileira segue inabalada. Logo após os massacres do início do ano, o governo federal adotou medidas paliativas, mas o potencial para mais episódios de violência permanece,


La igualdad de género: el punto en común para la paz en Colombia

Las 2 Orillas March 24, 2017 Mientras decenas de negociadores en la mesa de La Habana intentaban llegar a puntos de acuerdo en la complicada agenda de terminación del conflicto, el enfoque de género fue un punto de común acuerdo entre grupos que han estado


Targeting “Hot Spots” Could Drastically Reduce Latin America’s Murder Rate

America’s Quarterly March 24, 2017 Focusing on the cities, neighborhoods – even streets – where crime recurs doesn’t just displace violence. A special report from the Igarapé Institute. In Bogotá, just 1.2 percent of street addresses account for 99 percent of homicides. In Medellín, 40 percent


The smartest cities are resilient ones

[Em Inglês] O foco deste artigo é a necessidade de resiliência das cidades, tendo em vista a urbanização desorganizada que tem se alastrado pelo planeta.


Signs From The South

Weapons of Reason 7 de Março “From where I sit here in Latin America, I think this continent is a harbinger of what’s to come in Africa and Asia. It has come out of an era of autocratic governance, is going through its third wave


La dejación de armas de las FARC: incertidumbre y retrasos

Razon Publica March 6, 2017 Avance entre problemas A pesar de los problemas técnicos, de infraestructura y de adecuación que se han visto en el proceso de reincorporación de las FARC a la vida civil, el proceso ha continuado y el pasado miércoles 1º de


Will Brazil’s prison riots spur needed reforms?

[Em inglês] Authorities are struggling to contain deadly clashes between rival gangs in prison, which threaten to ignite more violence on the street. Long-term, the Brazilian government will have to revisit its “lock them up” policy and build political support to address overcrowding.


Brazil Continues Peacekeeping Mission in Haiti

8 February 2017 Brazilian troops landed in the Caribbean country in December for another six-month mission. The 25th Contingent of the Brazilian Infantry Battalion (BRABATT) operates in the country as part of the U.N. Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH). For the next six months, 850


What is at stake for Latin America in 2017?

7 February, 2017 An expert panel share their thoughts on the social challenges for the region this year   ‘Some of the richest people in the world are from Latin America’ Inequality is the key issue in Latin America, along with education. Some of the

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