Category: Types of content


Diálogos sobre seguridad urbana en El Salvador

Esta semana se celebró en El Salvador el foro internacional “Diálogos sobre seguridad urbana: datos, diseño e innovación para la seguridad urbana”, organizado por Instituto Igarapé y otras organizaciones.


Incorporation of Ex-Combatants in Humanitarian Demining

Lessons from Colombia, Somaliland & Southern Somalia   Adriana Erthal Abdenur and Laurie Druelle   As part of the peace effort between the Colombian government and the FARC, a pilot program was launched in 2015 allowing ex-combatants from the guerrilla to collaborate with Army soldiers


South-South Cooperation for Peace Operations

Brazil-Ethiopia Exchanges in Peacekeeping Training   Adriana Erthal Abdenur and Giovanna Kuele, in Addis Ababa   How can states that contribute troops, police, and civilians to peacekeeping operations learn from one another about training for such deployments?  Although TCCs/PCCs have historically operated in a relatively


Drogas: la guerra que no acabó y los riesgos que emergen

Razón Pública January, 2018 En medio de una reñida campaña presidencial, el aumento en las hectáreas de coca podría revivir las fumigaciones y endurecer otra vez la “guerra” contras la drogas. ¿Cómo reducir los cultivos ilícitos sin hacer daño a la paz y al desarrollo?


Smart Cities: Pollution

Jane Wakefield hears from Rahul Tandon in Kolkata about India’s air pollution nightmare, and from Robert Muggah of the Igarapé Institute in Brazil, who explains how interactive mapping can help pinpoint global pollution hotspots.


Mine Action and Confidence-Building

Harnessing Trust for Conflict Prevention in Colombia   Adriana Erthal Abdenur, in San Vicente del Caguán, Caquetá, Colombia   Christmas preparations are in full swing at the church offices in San Vicente del Caguán, in the department of Caquetá.  Groups of children sit cross-legged on


Glimmer of Hope in the Central African Republic (CAR)?

The UN’s Pre-DDR Experiment   Adriana Erthal Abdenur and Giovanna Kuele, Instituto Igarapé Half of the 4.7 million people in the Central African Republic (CAR) currently depend on humanitarian assistance for basic needs, and a full one-fourth of the population has been forcibly displaced. Armed


Ex-Combatant Reincorporation and Conflict Prevention

Notes from Colombia Adriana Erthal Abdenur, in Agua Bonita, Colombia Nested among the lush green mountains of Caquetá, in the Amazonía region of Colombia, around 200 ex-combatants from the FARC guerrilla group are building a socialist community in the same area where they laid down

Press Release

How can Cuba update its drug policy?

New publication by Igarapé Institute discusses possible paths for a Cuban drug policy reform Cuba has one of the lowest violence rates in the Caribbean and Latin America. However, when it comes to drugs, it has one of the more punitive policies in the region


Las predicciones para el mundo en 2030

[In spanish] El Foro Económico Mundial, publicó resultados del estudio realizado por expertos del Consejo del Futuro Global dónde dieron su visión de cómo será el mundo en el año 2030.


Humanitarian Demining and Conflict Prevention

Lessons from Colombia’s FARC Peace Process Adriana Erthal Abdenur, in Caquetá (Colombia) Humanitarian demining is often presented as a technical component of post-conflict reconstruction and peacebuilding, a painstaking and slow process necessary to avoid the human suffering caused by anti-personnel mines, improvised explosive devices, and


Fractured conflict prevention in Burundi requires greater innovation

Burundi’s ongoing political instability highlights the stark divide between global conflict prevention rhetoric and practice   Priyal Singh   Since the announcement by  Burundian President, Pierre Nkurunziza, to run for a controversial third term in early 2015, political instability across the country – marked by


Fragile-to-Fragile Cooperation and Conflict Prevention

East Timor Initiatives in Guinea-Bissau   Adriana Erthal Abdenur, in Bissau   Can conflict-affected states effectively support one another in overcoming recurring instability and promoting development and sustaining peace?  Timor-Leste’s growing cooperation with Guinea-Bissau suggests that, although incipient, fragile-to-fragile (F2F) cooperation may become a promising


Venas abiertas: homicidios en América Latina

[In spanish] DW habló con dos experts sobre los obstáculos con que se topan a la hora de procesar las estadísticas acerca de los homicídios dolosos en Latinoamérica.


Egypt´s terrorist violence is a reminder of the new normal

WEF Forum November, 2017 Friday´s savage attack in Egypt is a reminder that the vast majority of terrorist-related killings occur in less well known cities far from the media glare. To be sure, the brutal murder of 305 practicing Sufis in Bir al-Abed represents a

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