Readers interview Ilona Szabó on drug policy
Nexo April, 2017 Especialista em segurança pública e política de drogas responde a perguntas dos leitores sobre legalização da maconha e outras coisas mais.
Nexo April, 2017 Especialista em segurança pública e política de drogas responde a perguntas dos leitores sobre legalização da maconha e outras coisas mais.
The “Instinct for Life” homicide reduction campaign aims to cut homicides in the region by 50% in ten years April, 2017 Latin America faces a murder epidemic: every day at least 400 people are violently killed. That amounts to 144,000 homicides a year. Some 2.6
A new fragile cities data visualization will be launched at the World Economic Forum´s annual meeting in Davos from 17-20 January, 2017
A group of global experts are meeting at Davos to discuss wide-ranging threats and new security paradigms to address them
[Press Release] Open-source software developed by Brazil-based think tank Igarapé Institute is launched in London
ISPGEO will be supplied with police reports data and will optimize security resources
Campanha #SegurançaAssuntoDeCriança chama atenção para violência contra a criança
Publication by the Igarape Institute, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the World Economic Forum will be launched during the World Economic Forum on Latin America this week in Medellin
A new study shows that levels of impunity and the availability of small arms strongly influence the levels of violent crime
Robert Muggah, Misha Glenny and Rafal Rohozinski are among the authors of the publication co-edited by the Igarapé Institute and the SecDev Foundation
Former Presidents of Colombia, Mexico, and Switzerland together with Sir Richard Branson, US Former Federal Reserve Chair Paul Volcker and members of the Global Commission on Drug Policy call for reducing the harms caused by failed drug policy
Ex-presidentes, especialistas, juristas, empresários e artistas estão entre os mais de mil signatários de carta endereçada ao secretário-geral da ONU
Haiti currently faces a political crisis without precedent. The country has a president with no clear constitutional provision for leadership after his term expires
Ruth Dreifuss, former president of Switzerland and member of the Global Commission on Drug Policy is in Brazil to seek increased Brazilian governmental and civil society engagement in drug policy reform.
Igarapé Institute launches the Homicide Monitor, a digital application that reveals that just a small number of countries account for a disproportionately large share of the global burden of murder
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