‘Instead of doctors, they send police to kill us’: locked-down Rio faces deadly raids
Maria Diva do Nascimento was worried as she set off for her job at one of Rio de Janeiro’s biggest hospitals wearing a face mask she hoped would keep her alive.
Maria Diva do Nascimento was worried as she set off for her job at one of Rio de Janeiro’s biggest hospitals wearing a face mask she hoped would keep her alive.
The coronavirus pandemic is exposing the quality of governments around the world. Many national leaders have failed the test—in contrast to the leaders of regions and cities
Having ravaged some of the world’s wealthiest cities, the coronavirus pandemic is now spreading into the megacities of developing countries.
Enquanto a primeira onda da pandemia do coronavírus recua na Europa Ocidental, no leste da Ásia e na América do Norte, ela começa a ganhar velocidade na América Latina, na África e no sul da Ásia.
The first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic may be receding in some parts of Western Europe, East Asia and North America, but it’s rapidly taking-off in Latin America, Africa and South Asia.
To say that COVID-19 changes everything is already a cliché. But it’s also true.
Coronavirus pandemic hits cocaine traffickers, says UN report, as global roadblocks have halted transportation and disrupted a business that relies on legal trade to “cover up” its business and the possibility for individuals to distribute drugs to consumers
Increased time inside close quarters during the coronavirus pandemic is causing some urbanites to consider moving toward the suburbs, a recent survey shows.
Following the recent ouster of Brazil’s popular justice minister, Sergio Moro, the world’s fourth-largest democracy is on the brink of plunging into even deeper instability.
As the novel coronavirus spreads throughout Latin America and the Caribbean, social media have been rife with reports touting some of the environmental and climate benefits of the pandemic.
Melina Risso, do Instituto Igarapé, destaca que, nessas condições, o sistema de segurança e os profissionais são cada vez mais demandados
Os prisioneiros vivem sob a ameaça permanente do contágio. Não temos pena de morte no Brasil, mas essa pode ser a sentença de muitas pessoas presas, aqui e em outros lugares do mundo.
Cities are at the center of this pandemic, as they have been during so many plagues in history.
Melina Risso, do Instituto Igarapé, fala da preocupação com a segurança dos nossos dados em meio à crise do coronavírus.
As coronavirus gales across the Americas, officials from Mexico to Chile have puzzled over how to keep millions locked down at home
With COVID-19 infections now evident in 176 countries, the pandemic is the most significant threat to humanity since the second world war. Then, as now, confidence in international cooperation and institutions plumbed new lows.
Far from merely reflecting an unequal distribution of economic means, rising inequality comes with a broad range of additional toxic side effects, many of which the COVID-19 pandemic has thrown into sharp relief. With the pandemic transforming life around the world before our eyes, this is a problem that can no longer be ignored.
Estamos vivenciando o fim do mundo como o conhecemos. Fomos forçados a pausar, parar por tempo ainda indeterminado, o que considerávamos, até então, ser a nossa “vida normal”. Que momento excepcional para se estar vivo.
Publicado em Folha de S. Paulo Por Robert Muggah. Traduzido por Sergio Schargel. A Covid-19 será devastadora em comunidades e países de renda baixa e média, e o enfrentamento à pandemia e à recessão econômica demanda uma resposta global contundente que envolva governos nacionais, cidades e a sociedade civil.
Enquanto a pandemia do novo coronavírus avança no Brasil, que tem mais de 1.000 pessoas infectadas e mais de 10 mortes, cresce a preocupação sobre as consequências de quando o surto chegar às prisões brasileiras.
Publicado em GQ Por Robbert Muggah Simpósio da Singularity University esta semana reuniu especialistas em debates variados sobre o assunto. Em casos como o que estamos vivendo, se informar nunca é demais. Se por um lado órgãos e instituições tem deixado claro um arcabouço de
Published in Project Syndicate By Robert Muggah The COVID-19 pandemic was not just predictable but inevitable, which makes the skyrocketing economic and human costs of the crisis all the more unacceptable. If the international community does not respond by creating new global structures to deal
Published in US Today By Robert Muggah A data analysis by USA TODAY finds that, two weeks after the U.S. first entered into community transmission on March 3, America’s trajectory is trending toward Italy’s, where circumstances are dire. U.S. officials are sounding the alarm, urging
O que o Instituto Igarapé está fazendo para ajudar a conter a pandemia de COVID-19? O Instituto Igarapé monitora de perto a COVID-19 e está atento à evolução da doença. Desde 2019, trabalhamos em parceria com a Organização Mundial de Saúde e seu departamento de doenças transmissíveis para modelar
As COVID-19 spreads around the world, non-resident senior fellow on global cities Robert Muggah shares his insights into the spread and impact of pandemics
Published in USA Today By Robbert Muggah The majority of global public health experts believe that countries need to act quickly and decisively to reduce what Robbert Muggah, a leading Brazil-based risk and security specialist, said “represents the most significant threat to population health and
How cities around the world are handling COVID-19
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