Category: Brazilian


Banks, business, and bypassing Bolsonaro in Brazil

After seven straight years of record-breaking global temperatures, and nearly three decades since the first United Nations consort on environment and development, concern over the gathering climate emergency has finally gone mainstream


Global Cyber Expertise Magazine

Louise Marie shares below some reflections on the importance of Cyber Portals to CCB and the lessons learned from the process of developing the national portal


Bolsonaro to world: Brazil is victim of environmental smear

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro defended his administration’s record protecting the Amazon rainforest, telling the United Nations’ virtual meeting of global leaders on Tuesday that his country has been wrongly portrayed as an environmental villain. Bolsonaro’s critics were quick to pick apart his claims.


Brazil and COVID-19: A Perfect Storm?

On July 7, Jair Bolsonaro, president of the world’s second hardest-hit country by COVID-19, announced he had tested positive for coronavirus and had mild symptoms. Shortly afterwards, he removed his mask to show everyone he was ok.


La violencia vuelve a las favelas

La vuelta de la violencia en Río coincide con un recorte del 30% del presupuesto de seguridad en un Estado al borde de la quiebra, donde todos los recursos se dedican a seguir pagando los salarios de los agentes y a veces ni dan para eso.


Rio de Janeiro´s violence: a tale of two cities

OpenDemocracy July, 2017 Rio de Janeiro is not one, but many cities. There´s the one that most people have heard about – made up of posh beach facing neighbourhoods such as Copacabana, Ipanema and Leblon. Then there´s the city that gets less attention which includes


A New Campaign Against Latin America’s Epidemic of Homicide

Open Society Foundations May, 2017 Earlier this month in Culiacán, Mexico, according to a report from the New York Times, the veteran journalist Javier Valdez Cárdenas, chronicler of the drug cartel–fueled violence that today ravages large swaths of Mexico and Latin America, was murdered. He


Harsh Sentences for IS Sympathizers in Brazil Test New Law

New York Times May, 2017 RIO DE JANEIRO — After months of trading messages on social media praising violence by the Islamic State militant group, Leonid El Kadre de Melo said it was time to act. “I want to be clear,” he wrote in a


Digital Rights at a Crossroads

JOTA April, 2017 New infrastructure will make Brazil an even more critical component of the world’s Internet   Three years ago, former President Dilma Rousseff signed the Marco Civil da Internet into law. This crowdsourced digital bill of rights provides key guarantees for Brazilian citizens


Robert Rotberg: ‘bureaucreacy feeds corruption’

O Globo April, 2017 Referência mundial em governança, americano deu palestra no Rio a convite da FGV Direito e do Instituto Igarapé “Tenho 82 anos, nasci em New Jersey e estudei em Princeton e Oxford. Sou professor aposentado de Ciência Política do MIT e de


Readers interview Ilona Szabó on drug policy

Nexo April, 2017 Especialista em segurança pública e política de drogas responde a perguntas dos leitores sobre legalização da maconha e outras coisas mais.


Drogas: as histórias que não te contaram

Jota March 27, 2017 Ainda que destacada pelas manchetes dos jornais no país e no mundo, a crise carcerária brasileira segue inabalada. Logo após os massacres do início do ano, o governo federal adotou medidas paliativas, mas o potencial para mais episódios de violência permanece,


Will Brazil’s prison riots spur needed reforms?

[Em inglês] Authorities are struggling to contain deadly clashes between rival gangs in prison, which threaten to ignite more violence on the street. Long-term, the Brazilian government will have to revisit its “lock them up” policy and build political support to address overcrowding.


Brazil Continues Peacekeeping Mission in Haiti

8 February 2017 Brazilian troops landed in the Caribbean country in December for another six-month mission. The 25th Contingent of the Brazilian Infantry Battalion (BRABATT) operates in the country as part of the U.N. Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH). For the next six months, 850


Prevenção pode reverter criminalidade

Valor Econômico – O crescimento acelerado nas últimas décadas tornou as cidades latinoamericanas frágeis do ponto de vista da urbanização

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