La Creciente Amenaza de las Pandillas Digitales
Capital Financiero – A medida que la revolución digital avanza con fuerza, hay indicios inquietantes del cómo los gobiernos están utilizando tecnologías para vigilar y reprimir a sus ciudadanos
Capital Financiero – A medida que la revolución digital avanza con fuerza, hay indicios inquietantes del cómo los gobiernos están utilizando tecnologías para vigilar y reprimir a sus ciudadanos
O Globo – Maria tem três filhos. Enquanto nina a mais nova, nascida atrás das grades, pensa nos outros dois. Maria está presa. Teve que escolher entre ter sua filha no chão da cela da cadeia
O Globo – Pode haver uma quantidade de droga que diferencie o usuário do traficante? Países como Colômbia, Holanda e México têm diversos limites tolerados por lei para o porte de maconha, por exemplo. Esta poderá ser uma das questões em discussão no Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) a partir de hoje, durante o julgamento que definirá se portar drogas para consumo pessoal no Brasil continuará sendo crime
Renata Giannini received her PhD in International Studies from Old Dominion University (Norfolk/USA) and her Masters from San Tiago Dantas International Relations Program (Sao Paulo/ Brazil). She is a specialist in international security, and, in particular, fragile countries, peace operations and the gender, peace and
Michele Gonçalves dos Ramos has a Bachelor’s Degree in International Relations from the University of São Paulo (Brazil) and a Master’s in International Security from Sciences Po (France). She was honored with the Eiffel Excellence Scholarship from the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and France
Sociologist and doctoral student in sociology and justice with experience on youth violence prevention, having managed programs on the issue for about a decade. She also has worked with the state secretary for public security developing public policy for vulnerable groups including youth. Now she
Katherine is a Colombian economist with professional experience in the areas of violence and development. She has worked with think tanks in Colombia (Centro de Recursos para el Análisis de Conflictos -CERAC, Fundación Ideas para la Paz -FIP) and Switzerland (Small Arms Survey). Katherine holds
Justin Kosslyn is the Product Manager at Google Ideas, exploring how technology can enable people to confront threats in the face of conflict, instability or repression. He led the strategy, development and launch of the Global Human Trafficking Hotline Network project and has designed, prioritized,
A graduate in business administration, Joelma worked from 2004 to 2013 in the financial management of the NGO Viva Rio. She worked directly in the collection of weapons from the disarmament campaign and the referendum to ban the sale of arms to civilians in Brazil
Beatriz Alquérez is Project Coordinator at Igarapé. Pedagogue (PUC-RIO), Psyco-Pedagogue (CEPERJ) and expert in Business Administration (FGV), she worked in various sectors of public and private educational area. At the Department of Education for the city of Rio de Janeiro was manager of strategic projects
Barbara Fernandes is a specialist in project and program management, strategy and design process and performance management. She received her bachelor´s in Business Management from UFRJ and her Executive MBA from COPPEAD Institute and recently she completed the 3rd sector Project Management specialization course from
Ana Paula Pellegrino holds a bachelor’s degree in international relations and a master’s degree in international politics from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-RJ). She is a Young RAPS (Policy Network for Sustainability) member and coordinates the Pense Livre drug policy network.
Alice Watson graduated in Communications – Journalism from the University of Brasilia (UnB). Her monograph became a book, “O Guia do Mochileiro – Um roteiro pela Bolívia e Peru,” and has sold more than six thousand copies. The journalist has experience in national and international press office and
Alex Salgado specializes in software development. He holds a degree in Computer Science, an MS in Computer Graphics and an MBA in Project Management. He is also a financial coach and university professor. Over the past 15 years, Alex has worked in the technology teams
UOL – Ser policial no Brasil é, definitivamente, uma das profissões mais perigosas que existem por aí
Dado a situação de crise de segurança em que se encontra o país, a redução dos homicídios deveria ser uma prioridade nacional. Mas não tem sido
O Dia – Ministro da Justiça sugere que os assassinatos passem à frente nos tribunais de pequenos delitos, como uso de drogas
LeMonde Brasil – Não há evidências de que a redução impactará a criminalidade ou a impunidade. Ao contrário, é provável que incentive adultos a recrutar jovens ainda mais novos, deslocando o problema novamente. Para mudar o rumo desse debate, cabe então desmitificar alguns pontos
How can we bring down crime in the world’s most dangerous cities
There are enough contradictory statistics about safety in Latin America to confuse — and scare — anyone.
O perfil das armas que ameaçam os brasileiros e nos mantêm com a vergonhosa marca de 50 mil homicídios por ano permanece
The Igarapé Institute launched the updated Mapping Arms Data (MAD) visualization tool in 2013. Check out the explanation of MAD The MAD project is based on the original small arms and ammunition visualization produced by Google, Igarapé Institute and the Peace Research Institute Oslo as part
Ilona Szabó fala do fracasso da guerra às drogas, destacando alternativas à proibição e à repressão.
México se ha convertido en el paraíso del tráfico de armas para los grupos criminales, según denuncian los expertos. De los casi 15 millones de armas que circulan en el país, alrededor de 13 millones tienen procedencia ilegal. El principal proveedor es Estados Unidos Según
Para Ilona Szabó, coordenadora da Comissão Global de Política sobre Drogas e fundadora do Igarapé, regulamentar cultivo seria um choque para crime organizado.
Brazil could play a critical role in promoting stability in an uncertain world. Worryingly, the country is nowhere to be seen.
“It turns out that the gangs, being young men, are very active on social media,” says Muggah. “They use it to tag (mark territory), they use it to coerce, they use it to recruit
The bullet hit the 4-year-old girl as she waited to cross a street, holding hands with her stepfather and a cousin. The next day, a 9-year-old boy was shot dead at a swimming pool.
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