Category: Citizen Security


What is at stake for Latin America in 2017?

7 February, 2017 An expert panel share their thoughts on the social challenges for the region this year   ‘Some of the richest people in the world are from Latin America’ Inequality is the key issue in Latin America, along with education. Some of the


Brazil’s Merchants of Death

As Brazil weathers the worst political and economic crises in living memory, Brazilians can hardly be blamed for being distracted


Prevenção pode reverter criminalidade

Valor Econômico – O crescimento acelerado nas últimas décadas tornou as cidades latinoamericanas frágeis do ponto de vista da urbanização

Child Security Index

What do children say?

This publication gathers the results of surveys done in partnership with World Vision in 12 cities across Brazil, which revealed a host of other findings that may be of interest to policy makers, practitioners and child welfare specialists.


Tough on the Weak – Drug Laws and Policing

September, 2016   This article aims to identify the main impacts of drug law enforcement on policing. It points to five interrelated effects: 1) Suppression focused on minor offenses and the weakest links in the chain; 2) Arrest patterns often based on stereotypes that affect

Child Security Index

Childhood and security

This Strategic Paper features the main results of the Childhood Security Index (CSI) application regarding participants from the Bola Pra Frente Institute, which is located in the Complexo do Muquiço and attends children and teenagers from neighborhoods such as Guadalupe, Deodoro and others in Rio de Janeiro’s North Zone.


2015 Criminal Analysis

Igarapé Institute explains the reducing crime rates in the city and in the state of Rio de Janeiro.


Tackling Gun Violence in India

India has reached the second largest number of homicides in the world, which policies should be applied in order to reverse these statistics?


Brazil police may be to blame for 35 execution-style killings over weekend

Detectives in Manaus are investigating whether police death squads or criminal gangs were involved in a rash of execution-style killings that left 35 people dead in just three days. As the authorities flooded the streets with officers to reassure a nervous public, city officials were


Cop cams go global

Thanks to the technology revolution, policing in Brazil and around the world is changing


Reduzir a maioridade penal é cair na repetição de fracassos

Se por um lado demos um passo importante para garantir a vida de nossas crianças durante seus primeiros anos, por outro, fracassamos em evitar o trágico destino de morte violenta para muitas destas crianças na segunda década de suas vidas

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