How the Coronavirus Pandemic Will Permanently Expand Government Powers
The coronavirus pandemic is exposing the quality of governments around the world. Many national leaders have failed the test—in contrast to the leaders of regions and cities
The coronavirus pandemic is exposing the quality of governments around the world. Many national leaders have failed the test—in contrast to the leaders of regions and cities
Having ravaged some of the world’s wealthiest cities, the coronavirus pandemic is now spreading into the megacities of developing countries.
Enquanto a primeira onda da pandemia do coronavírus recua na Europa Ocidental, no leste da Ásia e na América do Norte, ela começa a ganhar velocidade na América Latina, na África e no sul da Ásia.
Michele dos Ramos, do Instituto Igarapé, fala da atuação da sociedade civil em meio à pandemia de coronavírus.
The first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic may be receding in some parts of Western Europe, East Asia and North America, but it’s rapidly taking-off in Latin America, Africa and South Asia.
Head of Igarape Institute in Rio de Janeiro gives us more on the absurd situation in Brazil, due to the lack of political leadership and the denial of the severness of the pandemic
To say that COVID-19 changes everything is already a cliché. But it’s also true.
Coronavirus pandemic hits cocaine traffickers, says UN report, as global roadblocks have halted transportation and disrupted a business that relies on legal trade to “cover up” its business and the possibility for individuals to distribute drugs to consumers
Increased time inside close quarters during the coronavirus pandemic is causing some urbanites to consider moving toward the suburbs, a recent survey shows.
Following the recent ouster of Brazil’s popular justice minister, Sergio Moro, the world’s fourth-largest democracy is on the brink of plunging into even deeper instability.
As the novel coronavirus spreads throughout Latin America and the Caribbean, social media have been rife with reports touting some of the environmental and climate benefits of the pandemic.
Melina Risso, do Instituto Igarapé, destaca que, nessas condições, o sistema de segurança e os profissionais são cada vez mais demandados
Over the past two years the Igarape Institute has been monitoring pandemics and vaccination response around the world.
Os prisioneiros vivem sob a ameaça permanente do contágio. Não temos pena de morte no Brasil, mas essa pode ser a sentença de muitas pessoas presas, aqui e em outros lugares do mundo.
A pandemia da Covid-19 alterou completamente as dinâmicas socioeconômicas e representa um enorme risco à saúde pública em todos os países.
Cities are at the center of this pandemic, as they have been during so many plagues in history.
For the 1.2 billion people around the world who live in densely populated slums, crowded conditions and scarce public services threaten to make the Covid-19 pandemic especially devastating.
The COVID-19 pandemic is painfully exposing the world’s many interconnected fragilities
The pandemic has turned the world outside our doorsteps into a newly formed wilderness. Public spaces are now areas to be ventured into sparingly, except by essential workers, so for most of us our worlds have shrunk to the size of our homes.
Publicado em Brasil Lab Princeton Por Ilona Szabó Em 22 de abril, Dia da Terra, o LAB do Brasil organizou um evento on-line com um grupo estelar de estudiosos e inovadores para pensar sobre a nova pandemia de coronavírus e o futuro da Amazônia. A conversa
The world is entering a volatile and unstable new phase.
The COVID-19 pandemic brought the world’s bustling cities to a screeching halt. The outbreak has revealed how urban centers are the front and last lines of defense against infectious disease outbreaks. They are also the key to leading national and global recovery.
Melina Risso, do Instituto Igarapé, fala da preocupação com o sistema penitenciário em meio à pandemia. Ela explica que as medidas de isolamento para conter a entrada e o avanço da Covid-19
Publicado em Folha de S.Paulo Por Ilona Szabó O mundo mudou, mas ainda não se sabe se para melhor ou pior. A pandemia está sendo descrita como a maior ameaça à paz, à segurança e ao desenvolvimento global desde a 2ª Guerra Mundial. O foco, no
Published in New Europe By Robert Muggah Our cities will not be the same after COVID-19. Nor should they be. In Italy, as elsewhere, the public-health crisis has put us on the defensive. Our hospitals have been inadequate. And our cities, having been planned to
No momento, precisamos lidar com duas crises no Brasil: uma aguda, que é controlar a pandemia da Covid-19, e outra crônica, que é interromper a destruição acelerada da Floresta Amazônica, que contribui para o agravamento das mudanças climáticas.
Se líderes políticos e grandes empresas tomarem as melhores decisões, as cidades podem sair melhores do que entraram na pandemia
Published in Project Syndicate By Robert Muggah This year’s annual IMF/World Bank spring meetings may be taking place virtually, but the challenges facing the world’s finance ministers and central-bank governors are frighteningly real. In particular, will multilateral efforts succeed in preventing the coronavirus from causing
Michele dos Ramos, do Instituto Igarapé, fala de outras dimensões da segurança em meio à pandemia do coronavírus.
Published in Foreign Policy By Robert Muggah The world is convulsed by the novel coronavirus, but that is not the only pathogen that afflicts us. Criminal violence is also endemic, contagious, and highly virulent. More than 464,000 people were killed in homicides in 2017 (the last
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