Resistance to Authoritarianism
The article compiles civil society’s resistance actions to defend democracy against authoritarianism and combat democratic erosion.
The article compiles civil society’s resistance actions to defend democracy against authoritarianism and combat democratic erosion.
This paper provides an overview of disinformation trends since 2014 and delves into the dynamics of the presidential election cycle from August through October 2022.
Even as the armed forces and police broke up the 8 January insurrection in Brasilia, carting more than 1,000 rioters off to prison, the Brazilian rumour mills spun into high gear.
The closure of civic space — the sphere between business, the State and family in which citizens organize, debate and act to influence public policies and the direction of the country — continues in Brazil. In this sixth of Civic Space GPS bulletin, the Institute provides an
Co-founder and president of Igarapé Instituto, Ilona Szabó is one of global experts invited by the World Economic Forum to share key challenges presented today to decision-makers and leaders. In a Transformation Map, users are able to navigate through her answers and connect challenges
The closure of civic space — the sphere between business, the State and family in which citizens organize, debate and act to influence public policies and the direction of the country — continues in Brazil. The fifth edition of Civic Space GPS bulletin consolidates an unprecedented
The closure of civic space — the sphere between business, the State and family in which citizens organize, debate and act to influence public policies and the direction of the country — continues in Brazil. The fourth edition of Civic Space GPS bulletin consolidates one
Civic space is closing down in Brazil. Restrictions to fundamental rights are on the rise. So are the intimidation and criminalization of the dissenters and government critics. In this context, bill 1.592/2019, filed by federal deputy Vitor Hugo (PSL-GO) puts Brazilian democracy in jeopardy and
The third Civic Space GPS Bulletin reports an increase in abuse of power
In one of the most challenging moments of Brazilian democracy since 1988, the agenda presents itself as a great call to civic engagement
The update is the result of the experience accumulated during the production of the GPS editions for the last quarter of 2020 and the first quarter of 2021.
Today on Front Burner, director of the Igarapé Institute in Rio de Janeiro and political analyst Robert Muggah
Szabo said that while she did not believe the inquiry would have “immediate” ramifications for Bolsonaro in political terms, “it is important that what is happening today has consequences in the future.”
O espaço cívico — esfera entre os negócios, o Estado e a família onde cidadãos e cidadãs se organizam, debatem e agem para influenciar as políticas públicas e os rumos de nosso país — está sob ataque
Ações deliberadas para fechar o espaço cívico são cada vez mais comuns no Brasil
It was once fashionable to describe Brazil as the country of the future.
Globalization is the most progressive force in the history of humankind.
At least one foreign leader still believes outgoing U.S. President Donald Trump’s desperate claims that the election was rigged.
Many Brazilians were worried by the torrent of disinformation on social networks during this year’s bitterly contested U.S. presidential elections
What is civic space? What is its relation to our democracy? Why is it under attack? In this article, Ilona Szabó explains all and proposes a typology for a better understanding of the different strategies and tactics used by authoritarian-populist governments. The article also presents
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