My Father, a Judge, Said a Gun Control Case Was One of His Hardest. Now I See Why.
Though I’ve been lucky to have been insulated from gun violence most of my life, it was at the core of the identity of my hometown, Washington, D.C.
Though I’ve been lucky to have been insulated from gun violence most of my life, it was at the core of the identity of my hometown, Washington, D.C.
Michele dos Ramos, researcher at the Igarapé Institute, Edinilsa de Souza e Daniel Cerqueira discuss the Disarmament Statute
Fifty-seven researchers from public safety sign this manifesto against the Bill 3722/12.
El Siglo Durango – Un alto porcentaje de las armas que alimentan al crimen organizado en México llegan legales. Y en su mayoría vienen desde Estados Unidos
After nearly three years of peace negotiations, the Colombian government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) announced a final peace accord would be signed before March 23, 2016
India has reached the second largest number of homicides in the world, which policies should be applied in order to reverse these statistics?
TeleSURtv – Brazil is suffering from an epidemic of gun violence, with more than 4,000 people killed this year in the state of Rio de Janeiro
[In Spanish] Study that examines the opportunities for disarmament of the FARC, drawing on evidence from around the world of what works, and what does not, when it comes to collecting weapons when wars come to an end.
The Huffington Post – Rio de Janeiro´s famously laid-back residents are in a state of panic. A string of high profile knifings in well-heeled areas of the city are putting Cariocas on edge.
“Strong gun laws are not equivalent to taking guns away from citizens”, says newest p-ed written by Rob Muggah and Ilona Szabó and published at the The Huffington Post
This new study estimates the volume and value of arms trafficking from the United States to Mexico.
This report considers the extent to which disarmament, demobilisation and reintegration (DDR) and related concepts are accounted for in peace processes and peace agreements.
This report aims to generate more understanding of what works and what does not when it comes to armed violence reduction and prevention (AVRP), to stimulate further evaluation and to contribute to more effective and efficient policies and programmes.
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