Category: Uncategorized

Steal, Corrupt, Kill: the evolving face of transnational organized crime

Criminal groups are expanding their operations into cybercrime, online fraud, and environmental exploitation while simultaneously coercing, co-opting, and colluding with governments worldwide. Yet, efforts to combat this global threat remain fragmented and largely confined to law enforcement actions. The Igarapé Institute, in collaboration with the

Ana Luíza Vastag

Ana Luíza Vastag Ana Luíza Vastag é graduada em Jornalismo e especialista em Semiótica Psicanalítica. Com mais de 10 anos de experiência e uma trajetória multidisciplinar na área da Comunicação, trabalha com o Terceiro Setor desde o início de sua jornada profissional. Já atuou também


Platform’s Methodology “Women in the Amazon: Conflicts and Violence”

  With the aim of supporting discussions on public policies to combat and prevent violence against women in the Amazon, the Igarapé Institute developed the platform “Women in the Amazon: Conflicts and Violence.” This platform provides an overview of the various types of violence faced


A Pact for People and Planet

At the upcoming UN Summit of the Future, the proposed Pact for the Future could generate the necessary political will for countries to commit to a just green transition. Low- and middle-income countries, in particular, could negotiate for fairer multilateral agreements and new financing mechanisms

Laura Trajber Waisbich

Laura is Senior Researcher at the Igarapé Institute. She holds a PhD in Geography from the University of Cambridge and a Research Master’s in Political Science from the Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris (Sciences Po Paris). She has more than ten years of research and

Carolina Andrade Quevedo

Carolina Andrade Quevedo holds a Master’s in Political Science, with a concentration in Public Affairs from the Pantheon-Sorbonne University in Paris. Carolina has more than ten years of experience in Public and State Security leadership, as well as Strategic Intelligence at national and regional levels.

Daisy Bispo Teles

Daisy Bispo Teles works in the Digital Security program at the Igarape Institute preparing research, monitoring the public debate and advocacy actions on issues related to the area. She holds a bachelor’s in International Relations from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio),

Caroline Neri

Caroline Neri is a master’s candidate in Big Data and Business Intelligence at the Escuela de Negocios Europea in Barcelona. She holds an MBA in Business Marketing (UFF), a Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting (Mackenzie), and is the Administrative-Financial Coordinator at the Igarape Institute. She worked

Giovanna Kuele

Giovanna Kuele is a Brazilian political scientist. She coordinates research and advocacy projects in the fields of global governance, United Nations, climate and security, conflict prevention, and peace operations. Kuele has an M.A. (2017) and a B.A. (2014) in International Relations at the Federal University

Daniel Calarco

Daniel Calarco is a lawyer graduated from FGV and was an international visitor at Columbia Law School. Founder of the International Youth Observatory, he has extensive experience in engaging intersectional youth in the 2030 Agenda. Calarco has worked in global programs as a researcher and

Sergio Menezes

Sergio Menezes is a Ph.D candidate in Literature at USP, Ph.D candidate in Social Communication at UERJ, Ph.D candidate in Political Science at UFF and master candidate in Political Science at UNIRIO. He holds a master degree in Literature from PUC-Rio, as well as bachelors

Natalie Hanna

Natalie Hanna is a specialist in Environment and Society from the São Paulo Foundation School of Sociology and Politics (FESPSP), studied Law in Political Science at the Université Toulouse I- Capitole and is a Bachelor in Economics from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo

Stephanie Gonçalves

Stephanie Gonçalves is designer, multidisciplinary artist and graduate student in Industrial Design at the Escola Superior de Desenho Industrial (ESDI) of the Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ). She was part of Oi Kabum! School of Art and Technology, where she worked on


A tirania do Brasil armado

Os últimos quatro decretos de armas, emitidos pelo governo federal na calada da noite da sexta-feira de Carnaval, foram só mais um passo de um plano que vem sendo implementado desde janeiro de 2019, mas que é bem mais antigo

Maria Eduarda Pessoa de Assis

Maria Eduarda is a lawyer graduated in the Faculty of Law of the University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), she is completing a Lato Sensu Postgraduate Course in Specialization in Criminal Law at the Center for Studies and Research in the Teaching

Talisson Mendes

Talisson Mendes is a Social Scientist with a degree in Anthropology from the University of Brasília (UnB). He works as a Project and Partnership Assistant at the Igarapé Institute. He served as an intern in the Political and Projects sector at the UK Embassy in

Renata Rodrigues

Renata Rodrigues is a master candidate in Sociology and a specialist in Politics and Society at Iesp-Uerj. She has a bachelor in Communication from UFRJ, and has worked in large companies, agencies, third sector organizations and social movements as a journalist and activist. She has

Renata Rodrigues

Renata Rodrigues é mestranda em Sociologia e especialista em Política e Sociedade pelo pelo Iesp-Uerj. É bacharel em Comunicação pela UFRJ, e já atuou em grandes empresas, em agências, em organizações do terceiro setor e em movimentos sociais como jornalista e ativista. Trabalha como jornalista

Dandara Tinoco

Communication and Content Manager Dandara Tinoco has a master’s degree in Public Policy, Strategies and Development from Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) and a bachelor’s degree in journalism from Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio). Communication and Content Manager at Igarape

Julia Marisa Sekula

Julia is coordinator of the Climate and Security Program at the Igarapé Institute and co-author of the book “Brasil: Paraiso Restaurável” (Sextante). The book defends a new narrative for Brazil, and places it at the heart of discussions of “new economics”, its potential protagonist role

Julia Marisa Sekula

Julia is coordinator of the Climate and Security Program at the Igarapé Institute and co-author of the book “Brasil: Paraiso Restaurável” (Sextante). The book defends a new narrative for Brazil, and places it at the heart of discussions of “new economics”, its potential protagonist role

The book, Terra Incognita

The new book by the director of Research and Innovation at the Igarape Institute, Robert Muggah, and by Ian Goldin, professor at the University of Oxford, shows the importance of maps to better understand society. Muggah and Goldin demonstrate the impact of climate change and

How JBS is still slaughtering the Amazon

This new report shows that eleven years on from our last report, JBS is still slaughtering the Amazon. It is clear that JBS’s business model is incompatible with the environmental emergency we are facing.

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