Category: Types of content


2015 Criminal Analysis

Igarapé Institute explains the reducing crime rates in the city and in the state of Rio de Janeiro.


A balcanização da internet pode começar no Brasil

El País January, 2016 Tentativas de cercear os direitos digitais dos brasileiros contrastam com a fama do país de bastião da liberdade na rede Uma juíza de São Paulo chocou o Brasil em dezembro ao exigir que todas as operadoras de telefonia do país bloqueassem

Digital Security in the Media

Brazil’s Digital Backlash

Brazilians take their social media very seriously. The country has one of the fastest growing populations of Internet users in the world


Armas usadas en crímenes llegan legales de EU

El Siglo Durango – Un alto porcentaje de las armas que alimentan al crimen organizado en México llegan legales. Y en su mayoría vienen desde Estados Unidos


The logistics of ending Colombia’s war with the FARC

After nearly three years of peace negotiations, the Colombian government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) announced a final peace accord would be signed before March 23, 2016


Why easing marijuana laws is a good first step

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s commitment toward major drug law reform is a welcome if belated recognition that when it comes to marijuana, Canada has been an emperor with no clothes for several years


Faces from the Border: The Devil Is on the Loose

The New Yorker – This is the second in a three-part series, “Faces from the Border,” about Mexican-American agents on the border between the United States and Mexico


Digital Tough Guys

Foreign Affairs – Over the last five months, El Salvador has suffered unprecedented levels of homicidal violence

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