Category: Op-eds


Targeting “Hot Spots” Could Drastically Reduce Latin America’s Murder Rate

America’s Quarterly March 24, 2017 Focusing on the cities, neighborhoods – even streets – where crime recurs doesn’t just displace violence. A special report from the Igarapé Institute. In Bogotá, just 1.2 percent of street addresses account for 99 percent of homicides. In Medellín, 40 percent


The smartest cities are resilient ones

[Em Inglês] O foco deste artigo é a necessidade de resiliência das cidades, tendo em vista a urbanização desorganizada que tem se alastrado pelo planeta.


La dejación de armas de las FARC: incertidumbre y retrasos

Razon Publica March 6, 2017 Avance entre problemas A pesar de los problemas técnicos, de infraestructura y de adecuación que se han visto en el proceso de reincorporación de las FARC a la vida civil, el proceso ha continuado y el pasado miércoles 1º de


Brazil’s Deadly Prison System

The New York Times – Brazil’s first days of 2017 were baptized by 17 hours of violence. The bloodletting occurred inside a privately administered prison in the northern city of Manaus


Does Predictive Policing Work?

The Cipher Brief – What if it were possible to predict where a crime took place before it actually occurred – even determining the identity


Brazil’s Merchants of Death

As Brazil weathers the worst political and economic crises in living memory, Brazilians can hardly be blamed for being distracted


Por cidades mais seguras

Folha de S. Paulo – No país que possui 32 das 50 cidades mais violentas do mundo, é inadmissível que a segurança pública

Digital Security in the Media

Brazil Must Rebalance Its Approach to Cybersecurity

Council on Foreign Relations September, 2016 When Brazil attends the Group of 20 Summit in Hangzhou next week, cybersecurity will be on the top of everyone’s mind. This includes President Obama who received a letter from U.S. senators this week urging him raise the issue with his Chinese hosts. A spate


Making children safer in Brazil

Know Violence in Childhood – Mega events such as the Olympic Games and World Cup always leave mixed legacies

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