Category: Media


EU usa la guerra para hacer dinero

July, 2017 Read the story of IMEF Magazine about the weapons flow and sales during Trump administration. The story has Igarapé’s research director Robert Muggah participation.  


Acapulco, entre los 20 municipios con más asesinatos, robos y extorsiones

HuffPost July, 2017 Los homicidios no son el único problema que enfrenta el puerto guerrerense, uno de los municipios con mayor índice de criminalidad de todo México. No sólo los asesinatos se han convertido en un problema para Acapulco, considerado el municipio más peligroso del


La escalada de violencia y muertes pone en alerta a Río

La Nación Julho, 2017 O Rio de Janeiro continua lindo… Pero cada vez más peligroso. Cuando faltan pocos días para que empiecen las vacaciones de invierno, una ola de violencia ha dejado numerosos inocentes muertos y heridos por balas perdidas y ataques en la ciudad carioca.


Who needs body cameras? Police testing cellphone cameras

USA Today June, 2017 The new system works like this: Officers download the CopCast app on a smartphone, and supervisors download a desktop version. Officers can strap the phone onto their chest and hit a button to start recording audio and video, which can be streamed


Rio’s Fight Against Crime Enters the 21st Century

Bloomberg View – Data mapping offers cops the chance to leapfrog not just criminals, but a stodgy bureaucracy. By Mac Margolis June 9, 2017 Whenever violent crime gets out of hand in Rio de Janeiro, as it frequently has, the public glare has fallen on


“How to Make Latin America Safer”, WEF LatAm Meeting 2017

Watch the debate “How to Make Latin America Safer”, made during the WEF LatAm Meeting 2017, in Buenos Aires, Argentina. This marked the Instinto de Vida campaign launch; the debate gathered Ilona Szabó de Carvalho, Igarapé’s executive director, Patricia Bullrich, Minister of Security of Argentina,


What is at stake for Latin America in 2017?

7 February, 2017 An expert panel share their thoughts on the social challenges for the region this year   ‘Some of the richest people in the world are from Latin America’ Inequality is the key issue in Latin America, along with education. Some of the


Prevenção pode reverter criminalidade

Valor Econômico – O crescimento acelerado nas últimas décadas tornou as cidades latinoamericanas frágeis do ponto de vista da urbanização

Child Security Index

What do children say?

This publication gathers the results of surveys done in partnership with World Vision in 12 cities across Brazil, which revealed a host of other findings that may be of interest to policy makers, practitioners and child welfare specialists.


Tough on the Weak – Drug Laws and Policing

September, 2016   This article aims to identify the main impacts of drug law enforcement on policing. It points to five interrelated effects: 1) Suppression focused on minor offenses and the weakest links in the chain; 2) Arrest patterns often based on stereotypes that affect


Making children safer in Brazil

Know Violence in Childhood – Mega events such as the Olympic Games and World Cup always leave mixed legacies


The Games Have Been a Distraction

With the Rio Olympics wrapping in just a few days, The Cipher Brief’s Kaitlin Lavinder spoke with Director of Research at the Rio-based Igarapé Institute, Robert Muggah


By some measures, Rio will be the most secure Olympic Games yet

A lot of people are fretting about the safety of the Summer Olympics. Zika fears have kept some athletes from competing in Rio de Janeiro. Then there’s the notoriously unsafe water in Guanabara Bay, an Olympic venue so filthy that some rowers and sailors are planning to wear protective gear.

Child Security Index

Childhood and security

This Strategic Paper features the main results of the Childhood Security Index (CSI) application regarding participants from the Bola Pra Frente Institute, which is located in the Complexo do Muquiço and attends children and teenagers from neighborhoods such as Guadalupe, Deodoro and others in Rio de Janeiro’s North Zone.

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