Search Results for: folha de s.paulo

Iuri Dantas

Iuri Dantas Iuri Dantas é doutorando do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Literatura, Cultura e Contemporaneidade, na PUC-Rio, com pesquisa sobre o acervo do escritor Érico Veríssimo. Em abril de 2022 defenderá dissertação de mestrado sobre como a literatura articula diferentes silêncios envolvidos no silenciamento de

Congrats Igarapé

We are committed to protecting our physical, digital and climate commons today for a better tomorrow The Igarapé Institute celebrates its tenth year anniversary in 2021! Over the past decade, the Institute has dramatically expanded research, awareness and action on public, climate, and digital security


A tirania do Brasil armado

Os últimos quatro decretos de armas, emitidos pelo governo federal na calada da noite da sexta-feira de Carnaval, foram só mais um passo de um plano que vem sendo implementado desde janeiro de 2019, mas que é bem mais antigo

Advances in drug policies

The year 2020 heralded a massive shift in drug policy. Many parts of the world adopted a range of progressive legislation, a product of over a decade of dedicated work to build awareness, work with legislators, and active campaigning. In addition to helping shape this

Action against COVID-19

The Igarape Institute participated in several efforts to respond and contain the COVID-19 pandemic. For example, the Institute helped launch the União Rio Movement, which collected and donated protective gear and health equipment. As part of the União Amazônia Viva, the Institute also helped organize
Newsletter - Eng

In the news

Over the past few months the Igarapé Institute has published extensively on the Amazon in the Financial Times, Foreign Policy, the Agenda, Folha de São Paulo and many other outlets around the world. Most of the focus has been on the extent of deforestation and

Newsletter - Eng

Work opportunities for prisoners 

Brazil has the third largest prison population in the world. Yet there is comparatively little understanding of the role of women and girls in Brazil’s penal system. According to research conducted by the Igarapé Institute, there were 37,828 women in prisons in 2017, a sevenfold increase on 2000. In order to draw attention to their particular challenges, Igarapé Institute launched the Sócios da Liberdade (Freedom Partners) campaign in October. 

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EVA: Women against violence

At least 1.2 million women suffered from violent victimization in Brazil between 2010 and 2017. In order to reveal the sheer scope and scale of violence against women and help strengthen data collection and public policy responses, Igarapé Institute launched a new data visualization platform.


Hip crowd gets São Paulo’s heart beating again

An influx of eateries and artistic businesses is helping to sweep away decades of neglect and decay 13/03/2018 Originally published on the Financial Times It is a Friday night in central São Paulo and the terrace at Orfeu, a restaurant-cum-club, could be New York’s Greenwich

Newsletter - Eng

Brazil must squarely address its prison violence crisis

    Newsletter nº 1 – 2017 Brazil must squarely address its prison violence crisis Brazil’s prisons are teetering on the edge. In the first three weeks of January 2017, over 110 inmates were brutally killed during prison riots across the country. This is not the


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