Categoria: Cidades Seguras

Artigo de Opinião

Can Brazil’s Democracy Be Saved?

A dangerous right-wing populist who preys on division and disunity looks to be headed for the presidency

Artigo de Opinião

Brazilian Democracy on the Brink

After years of corruption scandals, economic malaise, and deepening political polarization, Brazilians have lost faith in the promise of democracy, and could soon elect a dangerous authoritarian to the presidency.

Cidades Seguras

ENOUGH! Latin America’s Murder Epidemic Needs Urgent, Democratic Solutions

Overall, the past quarter-century has been an era of progress for the region: Democracy has spread, the middle class grew by more than 50 percent, education has improved and so has public health. In many countries, corruption is no longer tolerated, and judicial institutions are flourishing.

Cidades Seguras

Data maps reveal global refugee flow

The global migrant crisis is transcending borders, defining itself as one of the most important issues of our time. It’s fueling a growing political debate and a political divide on how to confront it.

Cidades Seguras

Robert Muggah – BBC News

A new website that lets people delve into data on the world’s cities has been launched.

Dr Robert Muggah from the think-tank Instituto Igarapé showed the BBC some of his favourite maps from EarthTime.

Cidades Seguras

La “Mano Dura”

Los enfoques que prometen ser “duros contra el delito” son atractivos para la opinión pública. Líderes autoritarios y populistas suelen usarlos, ya que suenan “moralmente justos” y orientados a la acción.

Earth Time

Mapas revelam verdades escondidas em nossas cidades

A new website that lets people delve into data on the world’s cities has been launched.

Dr Robert Muggah from the think-tank Instituto Igarapé showed the BBC some of his favourite maps from EarthTime.

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