California’s Gangs Go Digital and Global
Council on Foreign Relations – Around the world, social media is being colonized not just by extremist groups but
Council on Foreign Relations – Around the world, social media is being colonized not just by extremist groups but
Folha de S. Paulo – Com dez das quinze economias mais desiguais do mundo localizadas na região, inclusão, desenvolvimento e segurança pública
Los Angeles Times – Brazilian security personnel are not the only ones preoccupied with security threats
Renata Giannini debates sexual violence against women on The Stream (Al Jazeera)
Robert Muggah’s presentation on violence in Latin America during the World Economic Forum on Latin America
Interview with Ilona Szabó about drug policy during the World Economic Forum on Latin America
Ilona Szabó de Carvalho’s presentation about the implications of global drug policy
Bruno Siqueira talks about peacebuilding and technology
Estadão – Robert Muggah, referência em pesquisas de tráfico de armas, cobra ação da empresa sobre venda ilegal e integração das polícias
Publication by the Igarape Institute, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the World Economic Forum will be launched during the World Economic Forum on Latin America this week in Medellin
The Guardian – Few cities are more dangerous for civilians than San Pedro Sula in Honduras
Carta Capital – Crítico ferrenho da descriminalização do uso de entorpecentes, ministro do Desenvolvimento Social e Agrário usa seu poder para frear avanços
This report explores the evidence of what works, and what does not, when it comes to promoting citizen security in Latin American and Caribbean cities.
A new study shows that levels of impunity and the availability of small arms strongly influence the levels of violent crime
Robert Muggah’s presentation about urban violence during the 2016 Chicago Forum on Global Cities
Interview with Ilona Szabó about prison system in Brazil
This Strategic Note seeks to identify key thematic elements in Brazil’s long history of peacekeeping missions, from the first such effort in 1947 through present-day operations around the world.
TED Ideas – Cities are the the 21st century’s dominant form of civilization – and they’re where humanity’s struggle for survival will take place
The Hill Times – Migrants to Canada are routinely prosecuted for relatively minor offences and circulated back into a society torn apart by organized crime
Foreign Affairs – The United States’ Deadliest Export
Thomson Reuters Foundation News – Cities are the frontline of twenty first century humanitarianism
The Economist – The country’s gangs specialise in extortion. But they may be branching out
International Business Times – In the midst of political volatility, a deep recession and a frightening viral outbreak, Brazil is struggling
In 2016, the Igarapé Institute and several partners assembled Latin American governments, civil society groups
In 2016, the Igarapé Institute and several partners assembled Latin American governments, civil society groups
In 2016, the Igarapé Institute and several partners assembled Latin American governments, civil society groups
Igarapé Institute assembled governments and civil society groups from across Latin America to identify priorities and capacities to deliver on the evolving international peace and security agenda.
The Guardian – The fact is that in spite of decades of pursuing a “drug free world”, drugs are more accessible and widely consumed than ever
The California Consensus for Peace through Technology (CalCon) focused on challenging violent movements
World Economic Forum – The world is moving to the city. No part of the planet is urbanizing faster than sub-Saharan Africa
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