Category: Types of content


WhatsApp Block in Brazil

Robert Muggah, reserach director of the Igarapé Institute, talks to BBC Radio about WhatsApp block in Brazil

Digital Security in the Media

Civil liberties, online and off

The Boston Globe – Brazil’s friendishly complicated political and economic crises are sending the country into a tailspin


Precisamos falar sobre drogas

Valor Econômico – Em 1998, o slogan da Sessão Especial da Assembleia Geral das Nações Unidas (Ungass, na sigla em inglês) defendia rígidas políticas de controle de drogas


The UN Gets Serious About Peace

From ensuring women’s participation to shifting toward sustaining peace, here are top takeaways from recent UN reviews on fostering global stability


How fragile are our cities?

World Economic Forum – The world is urbanizing at a breakneck pace. But not all regions are moving at the same speed

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