Category: Media


10 key moments from day three at Davos

That’s a wrap for day three at this year’s Annual Meeting in Davos. From the future of Europe and fighting to save our oceans to Jack Ma’s career tips and Prince William opening up about mental health, it was another packed day of sessions.


A new mega railway across Latin America

This idea has gained momentum as Peru, Bolivia and Brazil join forces to build a corridor that would stretch over 3,800 km from the port of Santos, in Brazil, across Bolivia to the port of Ilo, in Peru.


Observatory of Conflict Prevention and app released in NY

On October 9, Igarapé Institute partnered with the International Peace Institute (IPI) to host a seminar held across the street from the UN secretariat, in New York. The event, titled “Harnessing Technological Innovations for Conflict Prevention,” brought together approximately 30 senior UN officials, diplomats from


Latin America Is the Murder Capital of the World

Cristian Sabino was sitting on a plastic chair by this beach resort’s central market when a gunman walked up and shot him five times. As the 22-year-old dropped to the ground, the assailant fired a final bullet to the head and walked away.


To end the global murder epidemic, give mayors more power

Latin America accounts for 8% of the world’s population, but 33% of its homicides. A history of military repression, drug wars and dictatorships have made the region the most violent on earth, but now, new methods of preventing violence are springing up there.


Conflict prevention is the surest path to peace

Today’s armed conflicts also make conflict prevention more challenging. This is because armed conflict and terrorism are transforming. Risks of conflict are converging


The Tricky Business of Counting the Costs of Armed Conflict in Cities

By Robert Muggah 24/05/2018 Originally published on the Small Wars Journal   Paraphrasing the Greek dramatist Aeschylus, in war, terrorism and crime, truth is the first casualty. While a proper accounting of the human toll of organized violence is critical to achieving justice and stability,


Rio de Janeiro’s militia on the rise (again)

22/05/2018 Ana Paula Pellegrino, Dandara Tinoco, Renata Giannini, and Robert Muggah Originally published on the Open Democracy               In mid-May 2008, a journalist, photographer and driver were kidnapped and tortured in Batan, a favela in Rio de Janeiro’s west zone. When


Two Months On, Brazilians Still Ask: Who Killed Marielle Franco?

More than 50 days after Franco’s murder, police have yet to make an arrest. Experts point to broad problems in the Brazilian justice system By Shannon Sims Originally published on Americas Quarterly More than 50 days after Rio de Janeiro city councilwoman Marielle Franco and her


Latin America suffered 2.5 million homicides since 2000: study

Study shows region suffered 33 percent of world’s homicidal violence despite representing eight percent of population. 27/04/2018 Originally published on Al Jazeera Latin America has experienced more than 2.5 million murders since 2000, threatening public security and undermining economic progress, a new report warned. “The


Estudio: Latinoamérica es la región más violenta del mundo

En cuatro países de la región, Brasil, Colombia, México y Venezuela, se comete un cuarto de todos los asesinatos del mundo. De las 50 ciudades más violentas del mundo, 43 son latinoamericanas. 26/04/2018 Publicado originalmente por DW En Latinoamérica solo vive el 8 por ciento


‘Breathtaking homicidal violence’: Latin America in grip of murder crisis

Region has experienced 2.5 million murders since 2000 and report paints bleak picture of extreme violence and deteriorating security 26/04/2018 by Tom Phillips Originally published on The Guardian  An activist paints the silhouette of a murder victim at the Coque slum in Recife, Brazil. The


Youth, Peace and Security: Brazil Revisited

Brazil is not facing so much a conventional “armed conflict” as a systemic crisis of public security. Its high levels of insecurity are not due to a single cause but rather a combination of individual, household and societal factors; concentrated disadvantage and fragmented families together


No todo vale para reducir la violência

Febrero, 2018 Ciudad Capital   Entrevista con Katherine Aguirre Tobón- Economista   La tregua a los delincuentes es un atajo político que no garantiza solución a la violencia letal El Triángulo Norte de Centroamérica carga com el lastre de la región más violenta del mundo,


Venas abiertas: homicidios en América Latina

[In spanish] DW habló con dos experts sobre los obstáculos con que se topan a la hora de procesar las estadísticas acerca de los homicídios dolosos en Latinoamérica.

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