Category: Homicide Monitor

Press Release

Where are the world’s most homicidal cities in 2023?

May 2024 Recent findings from the Homicide Monitor demonstrate that Latin American and Caribbean cities exhibit persistently high homicide rates compared to other regions.   Cities are powerful indicators of the progress of nations. When cities prosper, so do the prospects of countries. When they


No todo vale para reducir la violência

Febrero, 2018 Ciudad Capital   Entrevista con Katherine Aguirre Tobón- Economista   La tregua a los delincuentes es un atajo político que no garantiza solución a la violencia letal El Triángulo Norte de Centroamérica carga com el lastre de la región más violenta del mundo,


Venas abiertas: homicidios en América Latina

[In spanish] DW habló con dos experts sobre los obstáculos con que se topan a la hora de procesar las estadísticas acerca de los homicídios dolosos en Latinoamérica.


Acapulco, entre los 20 municipios con más asesinatos, robos y extorsiones

HuffPost July, 2017 Los homicidios no son el único problema que enfrenta el puerto guerrerense, uno de los municipios con mayor índice de criminalidad de todo México. No sólo los asesinatos se han convertido en un problema para Acapulco, considerado el municipio más peligroso del


What is at stake for Latin America in 2017?

7 February, 2017 An expert panel share their thoughts on the social challenges for the region this year   ‘Some of the richest people in the world are from Latin America’ Inequality is the key issue in Latin America, along with education. Some of the


Brazil police may be to blame for 35 execution-style killings over weekend

Detectives in Manaus are investigating whether police death squads or criminal gangs were involved in a rash of execution-style killings that left 35 people dead in just three days. As the authorities flooded the streets with officers to reassure a nervous public, city officials were

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