Canada just became the second nation to legalize marijuana. Here are all the top countries for progressive drug policy reform
Canada recently became the second country — and the first Group of Seven country — to legalize marijuana for adults.
Canada recently became the second country — and the first Group of Seven country — to legalize marijuana for adults.
Millennials are an ethical bunch. Veganism is on the rise, primarily down to the environmental impact of meat production and animal welfare issues. At universities, statues of historic British figures are squabbled over due to their racism or imperialism. Abortion; assisted suicide; racial profiling by the police; clothes manufacturing; bamboo coffee cups.
[In Spanish] Consultamos a 10 de personas que mejor conocen el problema de las drogas en Colombia y estos son sus 21 tuiteros favoritos que recomiendan seguir.
La Nación Julho, 2017 O Rio de Janeiro continua lindo… Pero cada vez más peligroso. Cuando faltan pocos días para que empiecen las vacaciones de invierno, una ola de violencia ha dejado numerosos inocentes muertos y heridos por balas perdidas y ataques en la ciudad carioca.
The Conversation, Robert Muggah, 28/06/2017 In the 1990s, the capital of Colombia’s mountainous Antioquia province Medellin had one of the world’s highest-ever recorded murder rates: 380 homicides per 100,000 people. After national authorities wrested control of the city’s poorest communities from paramilitaries, mayor Sergio Fajardo
[El Clarin. Alejandra Sánchez y José Luis Pardo] En América Latina sólo vive el 8% de la población mundial, pero es la región más violenta del planeta, con 400 asesinatos diarios. En Argentina se cometen siete por día. Sergio Vicente Goulard está desnudo sobre una
Bloomberg View – Data mapping offers cops the chance to leapfrog not just criminals, but a stodgy bureaucracy. By Mac Margolis June 9, 2017 Whenever violent crime gets out of hand in Rio de Janeiro, as it frequently has, the public glare has fallen on
Watch Igarapé’s executive director Ilona Szabó de Carvalho participation on “Sem Censura”, TV Brasil’s show. She speaked about her book, “Drogas – as histórias que não te contaram”, and about drug policy.
Jornal Nexo’s readers sent questions to Ilona Szabó about drug policy. Watch the video in portuguese.
[Em inglês] Authorities are struggling to contain deadly clashes between rival gangs in prison, which threaten to ignite more violence on the street. Long-term, the Brazilian government will have to revisit its “lock them up” policy and build political support to address overcrowding.
7 February, 2017 An expert panel share their thoughts on the social challenges for the region this year ‘Some of the richest people in the world are from Latin America’ Inequality is the key issue in Latin America, along with education. Some of the
[Em inglês] “President Rodrigo Duterte is in full control of the drug war,” Presidential Communications Secretary Martin Andanar said, as he dismissed the recommendation by the author that the international community impose “economic sanctions” on the Philippines.
[Em inglês] At least 56 people were killed during a prison riot over the weekend in the northern city of Manaus. A total of 184 prisoners escaped from that and nearby prisons.
World Economic Forum – Latin America is the world’s most violent region. It is home to one tenth of the world’s population
[Em espanhol] Hace más de 40 años, el mundo le declaró la guerra a las drogas. Hoy, las drogas son más baratas, más puras y más fáciles de conseguir que nunca a nivel mundial. La pregunta es: ¿deberíamos aceptar la derrota y comenzar a buscar alternativas?
GloboNews – Igarapé Institute analyses the definition of drug trafficking in many countries
Folha de S. Paulo – Traficante. O português é daquelas línguas que, no geral, marcam o gênero de substantivos
Carta Capital – Crítico ferrenho da descriminalização do uso de entorpecentes, ministro do Desenvolvimento Social e Agrário usa seu poder para frear avanços
The Guardian – The fact is that in spite of decades of pursuing a “drug free world”, drugs are more accessible and widely consumed than ever
Associated Press – An open letter to U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon signed by more than 1,000 people
Documento foi enviado ao secretário-geral da ONU, Ban Ki-moon
Valor Econômico – Em 1998, o slogan da Sessão Especial da Assembleia Geral das Nações Unidas (Ungass, na sigla em inglês) defendia rígidas políticas de controle de drogas
Outdated drug policies around the world have resulted in soaring drug-related violence, overstretched criminal justice systems
Virtually every government, business and civil society organization around the world has to contend with some kind of fragility
Para Ilona Szabó, fundadora do Instituto Igarapé, especializado em em segurança pública, a melhor resposta para a questão é a reformulação das atuais políticas públicas que tratam do problema
A atual política sobre drogas em prática no Brasil é mais danosa do que o próprio uso da droga. A análise foi consensual entre os participantes do debate “Políticas de drogas: o proibicionismo e seus efeitos”
Se documento for aprovado, usuário pego com qualquer tipo de entorpecente não poderá mais ser levado para delegacia
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