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The Igarapé’s team continues shaping global debate

Igarapé Institute’s research director Robert Muggah had a busy month in January 2018. In addition to being the recipient of the 2017 Lewis Perinbam Award for International Development, he was nominated to advise the World Economic Forum’s 2018 Global Risks Report. What is more, starting


It’s time to get used to a new global order with China and the U.S. at its centre

iPolitics Fevereiro, 2018 Three competing versions of the future world order clashed at the World Economic Forum’s gathering in Davos last week. There was the one pushed by a feisty Donald Trump calling for economic nationalism and his country’s retreat from the current order. Another was advanced by Chinese


Will the UN’s Vision of Sustaining Peace Put Conflict Prevention Center-Stage?

Adriana Erthal Abdenur In the 19th century Max Weber, a keen student of purpose-driven bureaucracies, hinted that institutions sometimes change their missions even when their original objectives are deeply embedded within founding charters and mission statements.  In international affairs, few organizations can attest to this tendency


Central African Republic: historical roots and immediate causes of conflict

This policy brief from the Igarapé Institute presents the historical roots and immediate causes of the conflict in the Central African Republic in order to provide support to international, national and local actors who may play a relevant role in conflict prevention in the country and, more broadly, in the central region of the continent.

Press Release

Nuevo informe presenta alternativas concretas para detener la epidemia de homicidios en América Latina  

La campaña para la reducción de los homicidios en América Latina Instinto de Vida lanza el documento “Latinoamérica puede bajar el homicidio en un 50 por ciento en 10 años. ¿Cómo hacerlo?” en el marco de la Asamblea General de la Organización de los Estados Americanos (OEA). La publicación identifica un conjunto de opciones de política pública que han tenido efectos positivos en la reducción de la violencia letal, seleccionadas a partir de la revisión de la creciente evidencia disponible sobre lo que funciona y lo que no funciona.


Relatório Anual 2013

[In Portuguese] Annual report with all Igarapé’s Institute actions, productions and initiatives across 2013.

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