Category: Climate Security


Challenges and Recommendations for the Amazon – Peru

Women in the Peruvian Amazon face multiple pressures – environmental, economic, and social. Against a backdrop of profound social inequality in Peruvian society, exacerbated by the historical marginalization of indigenous communities, the defenders interviewed for this study conducted by the Igarapé Institute highlight the pressing


The Drugs-Crime Nexus in the Amazon Basin

Extracted from the UNODC’s 2023 World Drug Report, this summary addresses the nexus between drugs and environmental crimes, as well as converging crimes in the Amazon Basin. The extract, for which the head of Innovation at the Igarapé Institute, Robert Muggah, was responsible, indicates that


Global incentive mechanism to protect standing forests

The planet’s future hinges on safeguarding the remaining tropical forests. These forests, crucial for reducing global temperature by at least 1°C, are home for two-thirds of global biodiversity and absorb 29% of the world’s annual CO2 emissions. In this Global Futures Bulletin, we present a


Challenges and recommendations for the Amazon – Brazil

In the Amazon, women face a dual challenge. On one side, there are social expectations regarding their role in society; on the other, the risks and vulnerabilities that the multiplicity of identities they belong to can create. These expectations significantly impact how they see and


Brazil’s critical and strategic minerals in a changing world

Featuring a diversified supply of strategic minerals – raw materials in demand for the transition to green energy – Brazil is witnessing a growing demand for crucial minerals in a decarbonized world. The country holds 94% of the world’s niobium reserves, 22% of graphite, 16%


Stolen Amazon: the roots of environmental crime in the tri-border regions

Deep in the heart of the Amazon basin lie two tri-border regions, where environmental crimes and their perpetrators know no national boundaries. In these vast jungle areas, isolated stretches of critical primary forest are being destroyed to mine gold, grow coca, and harvest timber. The

Press Release

The Defenders – How they define themselves

The research “We are vitórias-régias” was developed and executed with a group of 13 advocates representing the struggles of women from the Amazon basin in Brazil, Colombia, and Peru. Learn more about them. Click here to download as a PDF   Ângela Mendes (Acre, Brazil)

Global Futures Bulletin: the connections between money laundering and environmental crime

Global Futures Bulletin: Money laundering from environmental crime

Money laundering involves concealing the origins of illegally obtained funds, while illicit financial flows impact developed and developing countries alike as criminal proceeds traverse international borders. In this edition, we highlight the threat of money laundering and illicit financial flows for the stability of financial


Global Futures Bulletin: The Amazon Climate Bomb

Rampant deforestation and degradation are pushing the Amazon Basin to a dangerous tipping point that could jeopardize its vast carbon capture and water production potential, with serious consequences for South America and beyond. The second Global Futures Bulletin – The Amazon Climate Bomb – highlights


Inventory of data on economic activity and deforestation in the Amazon Basin

Multiple factors shape land change and land use patterns in the Amazon Basin.This note aims to identify data sources for two specific phenomena: changes in land cover and GHG emissions. It also considers key economic sectors that accelerate deforestation including livestock and agricultural development. To


Global Futures Bulletin: Climate migration and displacement

The Igarapé Institute is launching the latest edition of the Global Futures Bulletin at COP27. Published quarterly, this report draws attention to the world’s greatest challenges and innovative solutions, leveraging perspectives from the Global South to tackle the three main elements of the planetary crisis:

Press Release

Stolen Amazon: a new study from Igarapé Institute and InSight Crime uncovers the Roots of Environmental Crime in Ecuador, Venezuela, Bolivia, Guyana and Suriname

Exhaustive field research from Ecuador, Venezuela, Bolivia, Guyana and Suriname highlights the ways in which criminal actors and networks are contributing to illegal deforestation and environmental degradation Because illegal deforestation does not respect borders, InSight Crime and the Igarapé Institute have launched an investigation into


Stolen Amazon: the roots of environmental crime in five countries

Because illegal deforestation does not respect borders, InSight Crime and the Igarapé Institute have launched an investigation into environmental crimes across five Amazonian countries: Ecuador, Venezuela, Bolivia, Guyana, and Suriname. With land in these five countries accounting for some 20 percent of the Amazon Basin,

Press Release

The Igarapé Institute and the Science Panel for the Amazon (SPA) join forces to discuss how to leverage the rule of law and sustainable development against deforestation and plunder in the Amazon Basin

From the Amazon Basin to equatorial Africa and Asia, some of the world’s largest and most biodiverse habitats are facing unprecedented threats. Environmental crime has gone global, posing existential risks not just to some of the world’s signature biomes but also to the international quest

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