Category: Climate Security


Stolen Amazon: the roots of environmental crime in five countries

Because illegal deforestation does not respect borders, InSight Crime and the Igarapé Institute have launched an investigation into environmental crimes across five Amazonian countries: Ecuador, Venezuela, Bolivia, Guyana, and Suriname. With land in these five countries accounting for some 20 percent of the Amazon Basin,

Press Release

The Igarapé Institute and the Science Panel for the Amazon (SPA) join forces to discuss how to leverage the rule of law and sustainable development against deforestation and plunder in the Amazon Basin

From the Amazon Basin to equatorial Africa and Asia, some of the world’s largest and most biodiverse habitats are facing unprecedented threats. Environmental crime has gone global, posing existential risks not just to some of the world’s signature biomes but also to the international quest


The roots of environmental crime in the Peruvian Amazon

Peru’s 70 million hectares of rainforest are being razed at an alarming rate. In 2020, the country saw a record 203,000 hectares destroyed, a nearly 40 percent jump from 2019.   “The roots of environmental crime in the Peruvian Amazon” is the second in a

Climate Security

Igarapé Institute updates EcoCrime platform with two new stories

The Igarapé Institute updated EcoCrime Data platform with two new stories on the dynamics of environmental crimes in the Amazon Basin. The data visualization platform offers an immersive experience about how environmental crimes threatens forests  and biodiversity in the region. The first story showcases details


The Greater Horn on the Edge: visualizing climate stress and insecurity

      The Igarapé Institute, together with Kenya and Switzerland, releases the artcile “The Geater Horn on the Edge: visualizing climate stress and insecurity”, a publication that draws on remote sensing and scientific literature to describe the ways the climate-security connection is shaping the


Cities and the Climate-Data Gap

With the devastating effects of climate change already bearing down on the world’s urban areas, ambitious decarbonization and adaptation promises from municipal leaders could not come soon enough


Banks, business, and bypassing Bolsonaro in Brazil

After seven straight years of record-breaking global temperatures, and nearly three decades since the first United Nations consort on environment and development, concern over the gathering climate emergency has finally gone mainstream


Climate change and crime in cities

Climate change is already disrupting citiesaround the world. Continued greenhouse gas emissions and warming are intensifying heat islands, contributing to water shortages, rising seas, increasing flood-related risks and worsening pollution. With over two thirds of the population expected to live in cities by 2030, the


Brazil: Indigenous communities reel from illegal gold mining

Local leaders told authorities that four boatloads of men arrived last week and threw tear gas canisters at the Maikohipi village, nestled in the Palimiu region in Brazil’s largest and best-known Indigenous reserve, Yanomami.


Mongabay’s most popular stories in April 2021

Daniel Pye’s interview with Igarapé Institute co-founder Robert Muggah about his organization’s Ecocrime data visualization platform, which combines visual storytelling with access to raw data on environmental crime in the Amazon, was the eighth most popular story with 45,000 views

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