Why a green economy is needed to stop Amazon deforestation
This is one of a series of articles written by Young Global Leaders with action-oriented ideas to improve the state of the world by 2030
This is one of a series of articles written by Young Global Leaders with action-oriented ideas to improve the state of the world by 2030
Around the world, responses to the first and second waves of the COVID-19 pandemic are understandably focused on reducing infections and fatalities.
The Amazon Basin is approaching a dangerous tipping point.
We are facing a climate emergency. More than 11,000 of the world’s scientists and successive reports issued by the International Governmental Panel on Climate Change say the evidence of human-induced global warming is irrefutable.
A violência não somente causa prejuízos sociais e econômicos maciços, mas também corrói as instituições democráticas e prejudica direitos humanos fundamentais.
Cities are stepping-up to confront many of the world’s biggest existential challenges – especially climate change. One reason is that cities have always been where the future happens first; spaces that cultivate creativity, resourcefulness and innovation.
News coverage the catastrophic impacts of global warming are everywhere. From the Arctic to Brazil, the house is clearly on fire.
The future feels more threatening and ominous than ever. The sense of doom and gloom is deepening, not least in the West.
O ministro da Justiça, Sergio Moro, participa na manhã desta quinta-feira (24) de um painel sobre crime organizado no Fórum Econômico Mundial, em Davos, na Suíça.
O ministro da Justiça e Segurança Pública, Sergio Moro, defendeu nesta quinta-feira em Davos, na Suíça, uma articulação maior entre empresas e órgãos de investigação no combate ao crime, independentemente de acordos formais de cooperação entre países.
That’s a wrap for day three at this year’s Annual Meeting in Davos. From the future of Europe and fighting to save our oceans to Jack Ma’s career tips and Prince William opening up about mental health, it was another packed day of sessions.
A ativista de segurança pública Ilona Szabó foi selecionada, junto com mais três brasileiros, para a nova turma de Jovens Líderes Globais pelo FME.
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