Category: Publications


Who Defends the Defenders?

Environmental and human rights defenders play a critical role in combating ecosystem degradation and mitigating climate change. They serve as central members of their communities, organizing others to fight injustices and abuses. Environmental defenders are the first line of defense in places where the biome


Key Takeaways for Enhancing Security Governance in the Amazon

The Amazon faces a variety of security challenges, ranging from historical issues such as high homicide rates, theft, drug trafficking, and violence against women to new threats to the region’s rich biodiversity, including deforestation, illegal logging, illegal mining, and land grabbing. Considering the complexity of


Implementing responsible and ethical use of crime prediction technologies

A manual for mitigating harm Since 2010, the world has seen a sharp uptake in the use of crime prediction technologies. Although these tools have the potential to improve public safety, they are often deployed without sufficient training and oversight, adherence to procedural safeguards, or


Operation Curupira: An Integrated Approach to Combat Deforestation in Southern Pará

Deforestation in the Amazon region, especially in the State of Pará, poses a significant environmental challenge. Until 2022, Pará led deforestation among the Amazon states, driven by a series of interconnected factors. The implementation of infrastructure (roads, hydroelectric dams), the expansion of agricultural and livestock


Dynamics of the Ecosystem of Environmental Crimes in the Brazilian Legal Amazon

The Brazilian Legal Amazon is the site of a complex ecosystem of environmental and related non-environmental crimes that impact both the environment and the people living there. Organized environmental crime contributes in many ways to the destruction and degradation of the forest, significantly accelerating land


Tropical Forests Mechanism: a new approach for funding forest conservation

Amazon 2030, with the support of BVRio and Igarapé Institute, released today a concept note on a Tropical Forests Mechanism (TFM) aimed at supporting nature finance at scale to guarantee the maintenance and enhancement of tropical forests worldwide. The mechanism is expected to complement the Brazilian government’s Tropical


Practical Guide for Formulating Public Policies to Prevent Violence Against Women

Violence against women is a complex and devastating reality, manifesting in various forms, including physical, sexual, psychological, and economic abuse. Within this context, this guide presents programs and initiatives evaluated by renowned organizations such as the Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (JPAL), the Inter-American


Guide for the Social Inclusion of Formerly Incarcerated Individuals

  The social inclusion of formerly incarcerated individuals is a global challenge that requires reforms in the justice system, strengthening of the rule of law, and the implementation of specific public policies. This guide presents a synthesis of strategies adopted by programs on the topic

Resistance to Authoritarianism - encourage debate and strengthen democratic organizations and civil society that defend civic space

Resistance to Authoritarianism

The article compiles civil society’s resistance actions to defend democracy against authoritarianism and combat democratic erosion.


Annual Report 2023

2023 marked a significant turning point for the Igarapé Institute, signaling a new phase while simultaneously reaffirming our core commitments — after all, the Indigenous Tupi word “igarapé,” meaning “canoe path”, was chosen as a symbol of our desire to connect different issues and sectors


Stolen Amazon: the roots of environmental crime in Bolivia

This study on Bolivia, in partnership with InSight Crime, provides a comprehensive overview of the complex network of actors, including state and non-state entities, and the relationships that perpetuate environmental crime in the Bolivian Amazon. It seeks to understand the contemporary dynamics of environmental crimes


Social Reintegration of Former Inmates

The social reintegration process for former inmates presents challenges that extend beyond the confines of the justice system alone. In the Brazilian context, marked by regional disparities and social, racial, and educational inequalities, the lack of material, financial, and psychosocial support places ex-inmates in a


Responsible and Safe AI: A Primer for Policymakers in the Global South

In an era when artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming global politics, economies, and societies, the need for informed and responsible AI policymaking has never been more urgent. Recognizing this demand, the Igarape Institute and New America have just released a comprehensive guide, “Responsible and Safe


Violence Against Women in the Legal Amazon in the Last Five Years

The Amazon, known for its biodiversity, is the scene of intense geopolitical disputes around the exploitation of its natural resources, involving various significant economic actors, illicit groups, and criminal activities. Among the various illicit activities present in the daily life of the region, we can


Challenges and Recommendations for the Amazon – Peru

Women in the Peruvian Amazon face multiple pressures – environmental, economic, and social. Against a backdrop of profound social inequality in Peruvian society, exacerbated by the historical marginalization of indigenous communities, the defenders interviewed for this study conducted by the Igarapé Institute highlight the pressing


TECHNICAL NOTES: Global Task Force on Predictive Analytics for Security and Development

The development of new predictive technologies is accelerating and transforming societies worldwide. As governments, companies and nonprofits rush to deploy predictive analytics to “optimize” everything from the deployment of policing resources to preventing illegal deforestation or improving public transit and energy consumption, the potential risks


Global incentive mechanism to protect standing forests

The planet’s future hinges on safeguarding the remaining tropical forests. These forests, crucial for reducing global temperature by at least 1°C, are home for two-thirds of global biodiversity and absorb 29% of the world’s annual CO2 emissions. In this Global Futures Bulletin, we present a


Challenges and recommendations for the Amazon – Brazil

In the Amazon, women face a dual challenge. On one side, there are social expectations regarding their role in society; on the other, the risks and vulnerabilities that the multiplicity of identities they belong to can create. These expectations significantly impact how they see and


Brazil’s critical and strategic minerals in a changing world

Featuring a diversified supply of strategic minerals – raw materials in demand for the transition to green energy – Brazil is witnessing a growing demand for crucial minerals in a decarbonized world. The country holds 94% of the world’s niobium reserves, 22% of graphite, 16%


Stolen Amazon: the roots of environmental crime in the tri-border regions

Deep in the heart of the Amazon basin lie two tri-border regions, where environmental crimes and their perpetrators know no national boundaries. In these vast jungle areas, isolated stretches of critical primary forest are being destroyed to mine gold, grow coca, and harvest timber. The

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