Tag: 2018/08 newsletter eng

Large parts of the world are growing more fragile. Here are 5 steps to reverse course

New States of Fragility report launched

The Igarapé Institute contributed to a new OECD report on States of Fragility. Co-founder and research director Robert Muggah contributed a section on fragile cities – with the report launched at a High Level Panel in New York in July.

Os desafios das ‘fake news’ na América Latina

Brazil takes steps to protect privacy

The European data privacy law – GDPR – came into effect last May and is causing ripples around the world. Brazil may also see a new personal data protection bill pass the national senate.

Listen to Africa’s women peacemakers

Igarapé Institute’s Innovation in Conflict Prevention (ICP) initiative has launched a new bi-monthly series of podcasts with African women mediators.

The World Cup in homicide rates

08/2018 The World Cup is the apogee of sporting events. An while many fans were glued to their screens in June and July, not everyone was focused solely on the football. One Guatemalan economist took a different approach. Carlos Mendoza, founder of Project Dialogos and

For a safer Rio

Rio de Janeiro has seen a dramatic turn-around in its public security environment since 2015. Most indicators of violent crime have deteriorated.

Igarapé Institute wins new award

The Igarapé Institute was the recipient of a prestigious new award in 2018. At the Think Tank of the Year Awards 2018, organized by Prospect Magazine, the Institute was a winner in the “One to Watch”

Institutos lançam 35 propostas para a área de Segurança Pública no país

Public safety is the solution

Insecurity is one of the number one issues facing Brazilians in the upcoming October 2018 elections. And not without good reason: almost 64,000 citizens were killed in 2017.

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