Tag: 2018/06 newsletter eng

exercício viking 2018 brasil

Building peace around the world

The Institute was active around the world in April. Our researchers participated in over a dozen events, a few of which are listed below.

A much needed debate

After a string of privacy scandals involving Cambridge Analytica appeared throughout April, concerns about cybersecurity and digital rights are rising to the top of the agenda.

Ilona Szabó chairs the Firjan Council for Public Security

Rio de Janeiro’s FIRJAN council assembles all major private companies to discuss common priorities and challenges. The Council for Public Security is designed to address key risks facing industries ranging from manufacturers to tourism.

2.5 million murders

Igarapé released a new report, Citizen Security in Latin America: Facts and Figures. Developed in partnership with the Latin American Development Bank (CAF), the report sets out some hard numbers on the security situation for Latin America.

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