In the Media

Citizen Security
Climate Security
Digital Security
Civic Space
International Cooperation
the guardian
Guns and weapons trafficked from US fueling Haiti gang violence
As Haiti has again plunged into violent chaos, images of gang members bearing high-powered rifles, pump-action...
El Tiempo
Haití: estas son las pandillas y líderes que invaden y amenazan a Puerto Príncipe
La decisión fue adoptada tras una reunión en Jamaica con representantes de otros socios internacionales...
Logos site IGA (1)
Haiti declares state of emergency as gang violence escalates
Armed gangs in Haiti demanding the prime minister’s resignation have attacked two prisons, allowing...
Pledge Times
Haiti: these are the gangs and leaders that invade and threaten Port-au-Prince
The situation in Haiti It seems to be getting more and more complicated. Recently, it was learned that...
the new york times
Haiti Crisis: Who Are the Gangs That Have Overrun the Capital?
Haiti, a Caribbean nation with a long history of upheaval, is enduring one of its worst periods of chaos. Gangs...
logo stadista
Ecuador's Homicide Rate Is Skyrocketing
Homicide rates are skyrocketing in Ecuador with official figures recording a death count of 4,800 in...
The Lancet
Brazil’s Indigenous territory bill spells trouble for the Amazon
Brazil’s stewardship of the world’s largest tropical forest has long ignited acrimony
Artificial Intelligence Will Entrench Global Inequality
The artificial intelligence race is gathering pace, and the stakes could not be higher.
Foreign Policy
Will Brazil Destroy the Amazon to Save the Climate?
Whether it was gold, diamonds, or iron, the history of Brazil has been shaped for centuries by the hunt...
midias - logomarcas
As Chinese aid slows down, the whole world will feel the pinch
If Chinese lending declines, sub-Saharan Africa’s ability to raise financing will be deeply affected.
Cópia de midias - logomarcas (3)
Our Climate Future Hinges on Forest Preservation
Even before taking office in January 2023, Brazil’s president Luiz Inácio Lula de Silva promised to end...
instituto igarapé
Can a new regional pact protect the Amazon from environmental crime?
Illegal deforestation, wildcat mining, drug trafficking, and lethal violence: Name your scourge and the...
Foreign Policy
With Russian Support, Nicaragua Smothers Dissent
Nicaragua’s crackdown on the political opposition, free press, and civil society is intensifying.
Cópia de midias - logomarcas (3)
AI and the Global South
Recent months may well be remembered as the moment when predictive artificial intelligence went mainstream.
Washington Post
To stop Amazon plunder, Brazil must change hearts and minds
In late January, harrowing pictures from the Yanomami Indigenous reserve began popping up on Brazilian...
open democracy
Brazil breaks new ground in the global fight against fake news
Even as the armed forces and police broke up the 8 January insurrection in Brasilia, carting more than...
World Economic Forum
Why we need global rules to crack down on cybercrime
Cybercrime is high on the agenda of nation states, corporations and international organizations everywhere.
midias - logomarcas
Climate change could force 1.2 billion to move by 2050. Is the world even remotely ready?
In the years leading-up to the outbreak of genocide in Darfur, in 2003, median rainfall plummeted by...
Council on foreign relations
The Rocky Road to Cyber Norms at the United Nations
Between July 25 and 29, UN member states gathered in New York for the third substantive session of the...
What Cities Can Learn from Venture Capital
If cities are where the future happens first, then the future came early to Bogota
World Economic Forum
The war in Ukraine is triggering a re-evaluation of global systemic risk
The world is confronting multiple intersecting geopolitical events with highly unpredictable consequences
Why technology without regulation won't save the forest
Agriculture has come a long way in the twenty-first century.
midias - logomarcas
OPINION: Nature-based solutions in Brazil are key to reaching global climate targets
Any hope of keeping global temperatures under 2C depends on the acceleration of radical climate action...
Foreign Policy
In the Americas, Homicide Is the Other Killer Epidemic
Ravaged by a pandemic, a brutal war in Europe, and rising social unrest over unaffordable food and fuel,...
Foreign Policy
Russia’s Resource Grab in Ukraine
Russia’s motives for invading Ukraine vary from security fears to revisionist historical claims that...
midias - logomarcas
midias - logomarcas
As the Horn of Africa heats up, the risks of insecurity are rising
Scholars and political leaders worldwide are fretting over the complex connections between climate and...
Ilona Szabó de Carvalho: It will take diverse networks to solve global threats like climate change
Ilona Szabó de Carvalho, Co-Founder and President, Igarapé Institute, has spent most of her life working...
midias - logomarcas
Brazil’s illegal gold rush is fueling corruption, violent crime and deforestation
Once the epicenter of the global trade in gold, illegal mining is once again surging across the Amazon.
Cópia de midias - logomarcas (3)
Cities and the Climate-Data Gap
With the devastating effects of climate change already bearing down on the world’s urban areas, ambitious...
Foreign Policy
Climate Threats Are Multiplying in the Horn of Africa
Jutting out from the second-largest continent, the Horn of Africa is one of the world’s regions most...
midias - logomarcas
Banks, business, and bypassing Bolsonaro in Brazil
After seven straight years of record-breaking global temperatures, and nearly three decades since the...
instituto igarapé logo
Community policing does not build citizen trust in police or reduce crime in the Global South
More than one-fourth of the world’s population lives in conditions of insecurity because of high levels...
midias - logomarcas (1)
Civil society can push for action on Our Common Agenda
The COP26 in Glasgow may be the world’s last best chance to confront the most pressing global catastrophic...
midias - logomarcas
Announcing the shortlist for the 20th Prospect Think Tank Awards
Prospect and Cast from Clay, this year’s awards partners, are pleased to announce the shortlist for the...
Foreign Policy
How the Data Revolution Will Help the World Fight Climate Change
Cities are the front line of climate change as perpetrators, victims, and problem-solvers
midias - logomarcas
Opinion: How climate financing for the developing world will help all
It is conceivable that 2021 will be remembered as the year we reached a climate action tipping point...
Foreign Policy
U.N.’s Guterres Has a Plan to Reboot Multilateralism
Yet now more than ever, humanity’s collective future hinges on effective cooperation
midias - logomarcas
To Handle Threats, Global Cooperation Needs More Inclusion
The world is facing interconnected and complex global challenges
Foreign Policy
Islamic State-Khorasan’s Reach Extends Far Beyond Afghanistan
The U.S. military responded less than 48 hours later with an unmanned airstrike in Afghanistan’s Nangarhar...
Digital privacy comes at a price. Here's how to protect it
Data privacy exchanged for frictionless convenience is being compromised, stolen and leaked with disturbing...
midias - logomarcas
A darkening threat horizon with a green silver lining in 2021
With tensions rising between global powers, digital attacks increasing in frequency and intensity, deepening...
midias - logomarcas
U.S.-made weapons seized by Taliban could lead to regional arms bazaar
After all, they've been buying, pilfering and seizing them from ANDSF forces for almost two decades.
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OPINION: A hotter world will be a more violent world. Here’s why
The notion that warmer weather can make us more violent is not new
midias - logomarcas
Covid-19: The pandemic explored in maps and data
Robert Muggah explores the effects of the coronavirus pandemic and national lockdowns
Foreign Policy
Three Years Is Too Long to Wait for a Global Vaccine Rollout
At first sight, the global vaccination rollout is mesmerizing
Cópia de midias - logomarcas (1)
Brazil: Indigenous communities reel from illegal gold mining
Local leaders told authorities that four boatloads of men arrived last week and threw tear gas canisters...
Foreign Policy
The Global Networks Working to Abolish Nuclear Weapons
Nuclear weapons are without doubt the most indiscriminate and inhumane weapons ever conceived
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