COVID-19 is reconfiguring organized crime in Latin America and the Caribbean
Latin America and the Caribbean are suffering from the twin epidemics of COVID-19 and organized crime and violence.
Latin America and the Caribbean are suffering from the twin epidemics of COVID-19 and organized crime and violence.
When Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán was bussed to trial in New York on Tuesday morning, Brooklyn Bridge was closed.
Medellín e Nova York conseguiram reduzir drasticamente seus índices de violência nas últimas décadas
Cada día mueren asesinadas en la región alrededor de 400 personas.
Com a maconha regularizada, disputa de gangues por espaço restrito se torna mais sangrenta
Em 2017, 171 milhões de cartuchos foram comercializados, mas lei determina controle só da parcela destinada a órgãos públicos
Homicide rates in Mexico and Brazil are climbing even further. Yet Britain could learn from listening to debates in Latin America
Data show a 3% increase of people killed in 2017 from the previous year; rapes also rose 8% to 60,018
Even from his jail cell, Brazil’s former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, founder of the Workers’ party, which has led Brazil for 13 of the past 15 years, still holds some of the most important keys to Brazil’s elections in October.
Study shows region suffered 33 percent of world’s homicidal violence despite representing eight percent of population. 27/04/2018 Originally published on Al Jazeera Latin America has experienced more than 2.5 million murders since 2000, threatening public security and undermining economic progress, a new report warned. “The
En cuatro países de la región, Brasil, Colombia, México y Venezuela, se comete un cuarto de todos los asesinatos del mundo. De las 50 ciudades más violentas del mundo, 43 son latinoamericanas. 26/04/2018 Publicado originalmente por DW En Latinoamérica solo vive el 8 por ciento
Na capital do Rio Grande do Norte, a taxa de homicídios passou de dez para setenta a cada cem mil habitantes nos últimos 17 anos 29/04/2018 Publicado originalmente no Fantástico A cidade de Natal vive uma escalada de violência. Nos últimos 17 anos, a
Region has experienced 2.5 million murders since 2000 and report paints bleak picture of extreme violence and deteriorating security 26/04/2018 by Tom Phillips Originally published on The Guardian An activist paints the silhouette of a murder victim at the Coque slum in Recife, Brazil. The
25/04/2018 by Amanda Erickson Originally published on the Washington Post Friends of 13-year-old Maria Eduarda Alves da Conceicao — killed by stray bullets while in a gym class at her school — attend her funeral in Mesquita, north of Rio de Janeiro, on April 1,
Mais tranquila é Jaraguá do Sul (SC); a 3.000 quilômetros dela, Altamira (PA) tem quase mesmo número de habitantes, só que 35 vezes mais mortes 22/04/2018 Foi ao ar originalmente no Fantástico Precisamos somar os homicídios de mais de meio mundo, quase metade
Na fronteira do México com os Estados Unidos, Ciudad Juárez fez investimentos sociais, combateu corrupção policial e valorizou agentes. 15/04/2018 Veiculado originalmente no Fantástico Como combater a violência, uma realidade que, nós, brasileiros, conhecemos tão bem? Não existe resposta simples nem fácil, mas existe
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